Around Africa in a Month - Monthly event on current affairs initiated by Humanitas Afrika
African Update – 25/10/15
Press Release
The UN has declared 2015-2024 as International Decade for People of African Descent. When declaring one of the UN’s priority theme for the next ten years Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said "We must remember that people of African descent are among those most affected by racism.Too often, they face denial of basic rights such as access to quality health services and education”. Part of the objective of the Decade is to recognise ongoing and widespread discrimination and promote respect and tolerance for people of African descent who continue to suffer racism and hatred across the world. The Decade is under the theme: Recognition, Justice and Development.
One of the objectives of Humanitas Afrika is to build awareness, promote understanding, respect and tolerance as well as to encourage and enhance good relations between Africa and the Czech Republic - by extension Europe and Africa. Through the African Information Centre and Library which was established with the support of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Czech Development Agency, we provide and disseminate positive information and literature on and about Africa and do various socio-cultural programmes that bring people together.
While the financial contribution of the African diaspora is increasingly well-known with 80bn dollars in remittances in 2013 alone - other areas of diaspora expertise in development are often overlooked (Source: World Bank). From grass-roots activism to high-tech start-ups harnessing the latest technology, the African diaspora are making a difference to development in Africa, Europe and the world over.
Given the recent political rhetorics and the media being awash with stories about migrants and refugees desperately trying to enter Europe and the diverse responses of various European countries with particular reference to the Czech Republic, Humanitas Afrika deems it necessary and timely to initiate and introduce a monthly current affairs programme that helps give some insight into the situation in Africa and positive contribution of the African diaspora to the Czech society and economy.
Even the European Union has recognised the potential of African diaspora development organisations as partners for growth and development in Europe and Africa, so has helped greatly with the formation of the Africa-Europe Diaspora Development Platform (ADEPT) which has now established permanent secretariat in Brussels. The platform aims to improve and enhance the capacity and impact of those organisations within the EU countries. Humanitas Afrika is a founding and active member of ADEPT.
Migration, we believe, is historical and a global phenomenon, not exclusive or limited to Africa. It is in this context that we are well pleased and endorse the Global Forum for Migration and Development that has just taken place in Istanbul, Turkey, 12-16 October 2015. Because we believe that migration can be positive and constructive if honestly discussed on the platform of objectivity, Humanitas Afrika is initiating a platform and providing opportunity for a meeting point in the form of a monthly talk show where the issues of current affairs in Africa, including migration, would be discussed and addressed as an attempt in contributing to the favourable perception and the peaceful co-existence that already exist between Czechs and Africans.
In the context of International Decade for People of African Descent, Humanitas Afrika is inviting and requesting the participation and support of UN agencies, African and other Embassies in Prague, Czech Government Institutions, NGOs dealing with migrants, multicultural and development issues, universities, schools, African community associations and the general public to be part of this noble initiative.
THEME: Around Africa in a month, Current affairs and issues on and about Africa, a view from the Czech Republic.
VENUE: 50-60 capacity hall will be provided at the office premises of Humanitas Afrika in Jecna 2, Prague 2 as the location for the start of this monthly event.
WHEN:The event should take place on the last Friday of every month at 17:00.The first in the series is scheduled for Friday, 30th October 2015.
FORMAT: This will be done in the form of a talk show with two moderators, further speakers and the audience. It will be interactive with audience having more room to ask questions and make suggestions.
LANGUAGE: Czech, English and French will be the three main languages for communication at this event. Moderators will assist with questions and answers in these languages.
PARTNERS: Institutions, embassies, organisations, associations and schools that would like to cooperate or collaborate in the realisation of this noble event are invited to respond to the call of Humanitas Afrika.
ROLE OF PARTNERS: Ideas and suggestions, personal participation, promotion and contribution
REFRESHMENT: African refreshment during and after the event at each month - drinks and finger food.
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OPENING EVENT: Friday, 30th October 2015 at 17:00 – Ječná 2, Prague 2
With the honourable participation of Her Excellency Mrs Souriya Otman, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco
GUEST SPEAKERS: - Ing. Tereza Němečková, Ph.D. (Metropolitan University Prague)
- Jacques-Celestin Moliba, PhD. (University of Kinshasa, D.R.Congo).
Presentation of the book Měnící se tvář Afrika (i.e. The Changing Face of Africa) by authors - Tereza Němečková, Lenka Adamcová, Olga Šedivcová. More information about the book through the link below:
Please send your response for participation, collaboration or further inquiries to:
Thank you.
Team Humanitas Afrika
- Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco
- Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
- The United Nations Information Centre, Czech Republic
- Philisophical faculty of Hradec Králové University
- Prague Film School