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2.7. Literary Criticism & Essays
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- Achebe or Soyinka? book
- A Study in Contrasts
ISBN: 0905450388
Series: London, 1996, New Perspectives on African Literature 3 - Africa Writes Back book
- The African Writers Series & the Launch of African Literature
ISBN: 9781847015020
Series: Oxford, 2008 - The African Epic Controversy book
- Historical, Philosophical and Aesthetic Perspectives on Epic Poetry and Performance
ISBN: 997668629X
Series: Dar Es Salaam, 2002 - African Images book
- Recent studies and text in cinema
ISBN: 0865438196
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2000, Number 8 - African Novels in the Classroom book
ISBN: 1555878784
Series: Boulder, 2009- African women and representation book
- From performance to politics
ISBN: 1592215505
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2008 - African Writers and Their Readers book
- Essays in Honor of Bernth Lindfors
ISBN: 0865438609
Series: 2002, Vol. 2 - The African Writers' Handbook book
ISBN: 0952126966
Series: Oxford, 1997- The Arabian nights book
- A companion
ISBN: 0713991054
Series: London, 1994 - Bibliography of African Literatures book
ISBN: 0810831449
Series: Lanham, Md, 1996, Scarecrow Area Bibliographies, No. 10- The Black Arts Movement book
- Literary nationalism in the 1960s and 1970s
ISBN: 0807855987
Series: Chapel Hill, 2005, The John Hope Franklin Series in African and Ameri - Le champ littéraire africain depuis 1960: Romans, écrivains et sociétés ivoiriens book
ISBN: 9782296118720
Series: 2004- Chinua Achebe book
- A Celebration
ISBN: 0435905848
Series: New Hampshire, 1991, Studies in African Literature - Les créations lexicales dans le roman africain book
ISBN: 9782343077598
Series: 2015- Critical Perspectives on Derek Walcott book
ISBN: 0894101420
Series: Washington, 1993- Criticism and Ideology book
- Second African Writers' Conference, Stockholm 1986
ISBN: 9171062769
Series: Uppsala, 1988 - Decolonising the mind book
- The Politics of Language in African Literature
ISBN: 0435080164
Series: London, 1986 - East African writing in English book
ISBN: 0333275233
Series: London, 1989- Emerging Perspectives on Tsitsi Dangarembga book
- Negotiating the Postcolonial
ISBN: 0865439338
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2002 - Falasha Anthology book
- Translated from Ethiopic Sources
ISBN: 0300039271
Series: London, 1979, Yale Judaica Series - Femmes rebelles book
- Naissance d'un nouveau roman africain au féminin
ISBN: 2738438598
Series: 1996, Collection Critiques littéraires - Film in African Literature Today book
Series: Ibadan, Woodbridge, 2010, African Literature Today No 28- The Growth of African Literature book
- Twenty-Five Years after Dakar & Fourah Bay
ISBN: 0865436592
Series: Trenton, NJ, 1998, Number 3 - Hledání subsaharských identit v románové tvorbě book
ISBN: 9788073088927- Introduction à une poétique et une stylistique de la poésie africaine book
ISBN: 9782296968516
Series: 2012- Je(ux) narratif(s) dans le roman africain book
ISBN: 9782343000480
Series: 2013- L'ecole dans le roman africain book
ISBN: 9782747575348
Series: 2004- L'imaginaire dans le roman africain book
ISBN: 2858026219
Series: 1986- Le lecteur d'Afriques book
ISBN: 2745311921
Series: 2005- Letters from Liberia book
ISBN: 9780728604070
Series: London, 2016- Living Dangerously book
- A Memoir of Political Change in Malawi
ISBN: 0953239616
Series: Glasgow, 1999 - Multiculturalism and Hybridity in African Literatures book
ISBN: 0865438404
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2000, Number 7- Multiculturalism and Hybridity in African Literatures book
ISBN: 0865438404
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2000, Numer 7- The Muzzled Muse book
- Literature and Censorship in South Africa
ISBN: 9027222215
Series: Amsterdam The Netherlands, 1997, Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Li - Narrating the Nation in the African Novel: Chinua Achebe, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Ayi Kwei Armah and Kofi Awoonor book
ISBN: 9781511816007
Series: 2016- Narrator as Interpreter book
- Stability and Variation in Hausa Tales
ISBN: 9780291032
Series: Ibadan, 2002 - Négrophobie book
ISBN: 9782912485816
Series: 2005- Nigerian female writers book
- A Critical Perspective
ISBN: 9782601098
Series: Lagos, 1989 - The Nostalgic Drum book
- Essays on Literature Drama and Culture
ISBN: 0865438064
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2001 - The novels of Alex La Guma book
- The Representation of a Political Conflict
ISBN: 0894105574
Series: Washington, D.C, 1990 - Palavers of African Literature book
- Essays in Honor of Bernth Lindfors
ISBN: 0865439923
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2002, Vol. 1 - A Passion to Liberate book
- La Guma's Africa - Images of District Six
ISBN: 0865438188
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2001 - The Penguin Book of Twentieth-Century Essays book
ISBN: 0713992689
Series: London, 1999- Les personnages dans le roman africain, heros ou factices? book
ISBN: 9782332509710- PLAV - Měsíčník pro světovou literaturu book
- Zločin ve stínu baobabu
Series: Praha, 2015 - PLAV - Měsíčník pro světovou literaturu book
- Barel nigerijských liter
Series: Praha, 2016 - PLAV - Měsíčník pro světovou literaturu book
- Les (dé)colonies
Series: Praha, 2013 - Poetes negro-africains francophones book
ISBN: 9782845264199
Series: 2003- The Politics of Wole Soyinka book
ISBN: 9782679410
Series: Ibadan, 1994- The post-colonial literature of Lusophone Africa book
ISBN: 0810114232
Series: Evanston, Ill, 1996- Le postmodernisme dans le roman africain: Formes, enjeux et perspectives book
ISBN: 9782296566484
Series: 2012- Pouvoir et sexualite dans le roman africain: Analyse du roman africain contemporain book
ISBN: 2738408427
Series: 1990- Le reve dans le roman africain et antillais book
ISBN: 9782845869707
Series: 2008- Roman africain contemporain : Fictions sur la fiction de la modernité et du réalisme book
ISBN: 9782745318947
Series: 2009- Roman africain et esthétique du conte book
ISBN: 9782343022802
Series: 2013- Roman africain et idéologie ; tchicaya u tam si et la réécriture de l'histoire book
ISBN: 9782763781259
Series: 2004- Le roman africain francophone post-colonial: Radioscopie de la dictature à travers une narration hybride book
ISBN: 9782296092006
Series: 2009- Shakespeare in Africa (and other Venues) book
- Import and the Appropriation of Culture
ISBN: 0865435375
Series: Trenton, N.J, 1998 - Silence is not golden book
- A Critical Anthology of Ethiopian Literature
ISBN: 0932416474
Series: Lawrenceville, NJ, 1995 - Slzy slonů book
Series: 1989- South & Southern African Literature book
ISBN: 0852555237
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2002, 23- The Swahili idiom and identity of an African people book
- Idiom and identity of an African people
ISBN: 0865433119
Series: Trenton, N.J, 1994 - Voices From the Harlem Renaissance book
- A selection from the political writings and art of theperiod`
ISBN: 0195093607
Series: New York, 1995 - Voices from Twentieth-Century Africa book
- Griots and Towncries
ISBN: 0571149308
Series: London, 1988 - War in African Literature Today book
Series: Ibadan, Woodbridge, 2008, African Literature Today No 26- Wole Soyinka: An Appraisal book
ISBN: 0435911511
Series: Oxford, 1994- Womanbeing & African literature book
ISBN: 0865436177
Series: Trenton, NJ, 1997- Workings of the Spirit book
ISBN: 0226035239
Series: Chicago, 1991- The Writer As Myth Maker book
- South Asian Perspectives on Wole Soyinka
ISBN: 1592212964
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2004 - Writers in Politics book
- A Re-engagement with Issues of Literature & Society
ISBN: 0852555415
Series: Oxford, 1997 - The Yambo Ouologuem Reader book
- The Duty of Violence, A Black Ghostwriter's Letter to France, and the Thousand and One Bibles of Sex
Series: Trenton - Asmara, 2008