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3.1. Anthropology
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- African Anthropologies book
- History, Critique and Practice
ISBN: 9781842777633
Series: London, Africa in the New Millennium - African Cultural Values book
- An Introduction
ISBN: 0965047008
Series: Accra, 1996 - African Societies book
Series: New York, 2010- Anthropology and child development book
ISBN: 9780631229766
Series: Malden, MA, 2008, A cross-cultural reader- Being Oromo In Kenya book
ISBN: 0865435693
Series: Trenton, NJ, 1998- Challenges for Anthropology in the African Renaissance book
- A Southern African Contribution
ISBN: 9991659420
Series: Windhoek, 2002 - Civilization or Barbarism book
- An Authentic Anthropology
ISBN: 1556520484
Series: Brooklyn, NY, 1991 - Dancing Skeletons book
- Life and Death in West Africa
ISBN: 088133748X
Series: Illinois, 1994 - Diversification and Accumulation in Rural Tanzania book
- Anthropological Perspectives on Village Economics
ISBN: 9171064273
Series: Uppsala, 1998 - Earning a Life book
- Working Children in Zimbabwe
ISBN: 0797421629
Series: Harare, 2000 - Ebola: How a People's Science Helped End an Epidemic (African Arguments) book
ISBN: 9781783608584
Series: London, 2016- Environment & Cultural Behavior book
- Ecological Studies in Cultural Anthropology
ISBN: 029272019X
Series: Austin, Texas, 1988, Texas Press sourcebooks in anthropology:8 - Ethnicity and the State in Eastern Africa book
ISBN: 9171064184
Series: Stockholm, 1998- Faces of Africa book
ISBN: 079226830X
Series: Washington, 2004- From Mukogodo to Maasai book
- Ethnicity and Cultural Change in Kenya
ISBN: 0813340942
Series: Oxford, 2004, Westview Case Studies in Anthropology - The Iceman Inheritance book
- Prehistoric Sources of Western Man's Racism, Sexism and Aggression
ISBN: 1879831007
Series: New York, 1991 - The Innocent Anthropologist book
- Notes form a Mud Hut
ISBN: 0140095365
Series: London, 1986 - Insiders and Outsiders book
- Citizenship and Xenophobia in Contemporary Southern Africa
ISBN: 1842776770
Series: Dakar, 2006 - The Jewish-Arab City: Spatio-politics in a mixed community book
ISBN: 9780415845502
Series: 2013, Routledge Studies on the Arab-Israeli Conflict- The Jewish-Arab City: Spatio-politics in a mixed community book
ISBN: 9780415845502
Series: 2013, Routledge Studies on the Arab-Israeli Conflict- Konkonuru-Life in a West African Village book
- The Impact Of Socio-Economic Change On Rural Communities
ISBN: 9964302916
Series: Accra, 2003 - Land, literacy and the state in the history of Sudanic Africa book
ISBN: 156902183X
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2003- Makers & Breakers book
- Children & Youth in Postcolonial Africa
ISBN: 0852554346
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2005 - Orality and Cultural Identities in Zimbabwe book
ISBN: 0869227645
Series: Gweru, 2004- The Other book
ISBN: 9781844673285
Series: London, 2008- Perspectives on Africa book
- A Reader in Culture, History and Representation
ISBN: 9781405190602
Series: 2010 - The Politics of Age and Gerontocracy in Africa book
- Etnographies of the past & memories of the present
ISBN: 0865435987
Series: Trenton, NJ, 1998 - Populations in Danger book
ISBN: 086196392X
Series: London, 1992- Raiders and Refugees: Trends in Chamba Political Development, 1750-1950 book
ISBN: 0874744288- Rainbow Vice book
- The Drugs and Sex Industries in the New South Africa
ISBN: 1842771353
Series: London, 2002 - The Red Fez book
- Art and Spirit Possession in Africa
ISBN: 0860914658
Series: London, 1993, translation - Sex and Race (Vol. 1) book
- Vol. 1, The Old World
ISBN: 096022940X
Series: St. Petersburg, 1967 - Sex and Race (Vol. 2) book
- Vol. 2, The New World
ISBN: 096022940X
Series: St. Petersburg, FL., 1970 - Sex and Race (Vol. 3) book
- Volume 3
ISBN: 0960229426
Series: St. Petersburg, FL., 1972 - Status and Identity in West Africa book
- Nyamakalaw of Mande
ISBN: 0253209293
Series: Indiana, 1995 - Swahili Modernities: culture, politics, and identity on the east coast of Africa book
ISBN: 1592210457
Series: Trenton, N.J, 2004- Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic among the Azande book
ISBN: 9780198740292