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8.1. General History

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100 Amazing Facts about the Negro with Comlete Proof book
Rogers, J.A.
ISBN: 0960229477
Series: St. Petersburg, FL., 1995
Africa book
A Bibliography of the Continent
Reader, John
ISBN: 0140266755
Series: London, 1998
Africa and Other Civilizations: conquest and counter-conquest book
Conquest and Counter-conquest
Falola, Toyin ed.
ISBN: 1592210112
Series: Trenton, 2002
Africa in History book
Davidson, Basil
ISBN: 0684826674
Series: New York, 1995
Africa in the World book
Past and present
Burt. Ben
ISBN: 0714125717
Series: London, 2005
Africa since 1940 - The Past of the Present book
Frederick Cooper
ISBN: 0521772419
Series: Cambridge, U.K. ; New York, NY, 2002, New approaches to African history
Africa Since Independance book
Nugent, Paul
ISBN: 9780333682739
Series: New York, 2004
African Civilization Revisited book
Davidson, Basil
ISBN: 0865431248
Series: Trenton, N.J, 2001
African Foragers book
Environment, Technology, Interactions
Kusimba, Barut Sibel
ISBN: 075910154X
Series: Walnut Creek, 2003
African History book
An Illustrated Handbook
Sweeting, Earl
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: 1973
The African Origin of Civilization book
Myth or Reality
Diop, Anta Cheikh
ISBN: 1556520727
The Africans book
Lamb, David
ISBN: 0394753089
Series: New York, 1989
Africans - The History of a Continent book
John Iliffe
ISBN: 9780521864381
Series: Cambridge, 2007
Africans: The History of a Continent book
Iliffe, John
ISBN: 9780521682978
Series: 2007, African Studies
Africa´s Discovery of Europe (1450-1850) book
Northrup, David
ISBN: 0195140842
Series: New York, 2002
Afrika - procítající světadíl book
Derek Kartun
Series: Praha, 1955
Afrika a Afričané book
Dějiny kontinentu
Iliffe John
Series: 2001
Afrika překvapení a ukvapení book
Václav Opluštil
Series: Praha, 1969
Afrikanci book
vvedenie v istoriju kultury
Davidson, Basil
Series: Moscow, 1975
Assassinations book
Grant R.G.
Series: 2004
Black Genesis book
The Prehistoric Origins of Ancient Egypt
Bauval Robert
ISBN: 159143114X
Series: 2011
The Black Man's Burden book
Africa and the Curse of the Nation-state
Davidson, Basil
ISBN: 0812922107
Series: New York, 1992
The Capstone of Negro Education book
(A History 1867-1940)
Dyson, Walter
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Washington, D.C, 1941
Dějiny Afriky book
Vývoj kontinentu, regionů a států
Jan Klíma
Series: Praha, 2012
Dějiny kolonialismu book
Walter Stamberger
Series: Praha, 1963
Dictionary of Modern History 1789-1945 book
Duncan Townson
Series: 1994
From Babylon To Timbuktu book
A History of Ancient Black Races Including the Black Hebrews
Windsor, Rudolph R.
ISBN: 0962088110
Series: Atlanta, Georgia, 2003
From Babylon to Timbuktu book
A History of the Ancient Black Races Including the Black
Windsor R Rudolph
ISBN: 9780962088117
Series: 2006
Hedvábná cesta book
Obuchová Lubica, Charvát Petr (ed.)
Series: 1998
Hidden Figures book
the Untold Story of the African American Women Who Helped Win the Space Race
Shetterley, Margot Lee
ISBN: 9780008201326
A History of Africa 1918-1967 book
Feonev, L. N.
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Moscow, 1968
A History of African Societies to 1870 book
Isichei, Elizabeth
ISBN: 0521455995
Series: Cambridge, 2000
A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present book
Reid, Richard J.
ISBN: 9780470658987
Series: 2012
Homeward journey book
Readings in African studies
Herbert, T. Neve, editor
ISBN: 0865434085
Series: Trenton, N.J, 1994
Introduction to the History of West Africa book
Fage, J.D.
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Cambridge, 1956
The Iron Curtain Over America book
Beaty John
ISBN: 1365459780
Series: 2016
Kush, The Jewel of Nubia book
Reconnecting the Root System of African Civilization
Miriam Ma'at-Ka-Re Monges
ISBN: 0865435286
Series: Trenton, NJ, 1997
The Lost Cities of Africa book
Davidson, Basil
ISBN: 0316174319
Series: New York, 1987
The Lost Treasure of King Juba book
The Evidence of Africans in America before Columbus
Joseph, Frank
ISBN: 1591430062
Series: Rochester, Vermont, 2003
The Missing Pages of 'His-story' (Highlihts in Black Achievement book
Kush Khamit Indus
Series: 1993
Modern Africa book
A Social and Political History
Davidson, Basil
ISBN: 058221288X
Series: Harlow, 1994
Mutual Respect book
A Black Perspective
Mattocks, Desmond
ISBN: 1858634105
Series: London, 1995
Nations and Nationalism since 1780 book
Hobsbawm, J. E.
ISBN: 0521406781
Series: Cambridge, 1990
Never Again: Africa's Last Stand book
Emma S. Etuk
Series: Bloomington, 2008
NewAfrican Yearbook 2001 book
Yedder Afif Ben
Series: 2001
Nile Valley Contributions to Civilization book
Browder, Anthony T.
ISBN: 092494403X
Series: Washington, DC, 1992
Objevení staré Afriky book
Davidson Basil
Series: 1962
The Oxford Handbook of Modern African History (Oxford Handbooks in History) book
Parker, John
ISBN: 9780198779407
Series: 2016
The Penguin Atlas of African History book
Colin McEvedy
People, Contacts and the Environment in the African Past book
Studies in The African Past-1
Chami, Felix ed.
ISBN: 9976603444
Series: Dar Es Salaam, 2001
Les peuple et les civilisations de l´Afrique suivi de les langues et l´education book
Baumann H.
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Paris, 1948
Planting Rice and Harvesting Slaves book
Social History of Africa
Hawthorne, Walter
ISBN: 0325070490
Series: Portsmouth, NH, 2003
The Postcolonial Animal book
African Literature and Posthuman Ethics
Mwangi Evan Maina
ISBN: 0472054198
Series: 2019
Postcolonialism book
an historical introduction
Robert J.C. Young
ISBN: 0631200703
Series: Oxford, UK ; Malden, Mass, 2001
Precolonial Black Africa book
Diop, Anta Cheikh
ISBN: 9781556520884
Problems in African History: The Precolonial Centuries book
Collins, Robert
ISBN: 1558760598
Series: 1993, Topics in World History
Problems in the History of Modern Africa book
Collins, Robert
ISBN: 9781558764545
Series: 2008, Problems in African History
A Question of Excellence book
A Century of African Masters
de Voogt, Alex
ISBN: 1592212824
Series: Asmara, 2005
Reversing Sail book
A History of the African Diaspora
Gomez, Michael A.
ISBN: 0521001358
Series: Cambridge, 2005
Seven Amazing African Queens and Dynasties book
Commey Pusch
ISBN: 1642551767
Series: 2018
Silences in African History book
Between the Syndromes of Discovery and Abolition
Depelchin, Jacques
ISBN: 997697373X
Series: Dar Es Salaam, 2005
Simplified History of Central Africa book
Augustine, Muhirwa
ISBN: 0797822844
Series: Matsapha, 2003
The State of Africa book
A History of Fifty Years of Independence
Martin Meredith
Series: London, 2006
Students and the Cold War book
Kotek, Joel
ISBN: 0333630157
Series: London, 1996
Sweet Land of Liberty?: The African-American Struggle for Civil Rights in the Twentieth Century book
Cook, Robert
ISBN: 0582215323
Series: 1997, Studies In Modern History
Themes in West Africa's History book
Akyeampong, Emmanuel
ISBN: 9780852559956
Series: Oxford, 2006
They Came before Columbus book
The African Presence in Ancient America
Van Sertima, Ivan
ISBN: 9780812968170
Series: New York, 2003
Timbuctoo the Mysterious book
White Diana
ISBN: 1375715313
Tracing Archaeology's Past: The Historiography of Archaeology book
Christenson, Andew L.
ISBN: 0809315238
UNESCO General History of Africa book
Series: 1990
The World and Africa book
An inquiry into the part which Africa has palyed in world history
Du Bois, Burghardt W.E.
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: New York, 1967
World's Great Men of Color book
Volume I
Rogers J.A.
ISBN: 0020813007
Series: New York, 1972
World's great men of colour book
Volume II
Rogers, J.A.
ISBN: 0684815826
Series: New York, 1996
The World's Sixteen Cru1543259391cified Saviours book
Christianity Before Christ
Graves Kersey
ISBN: 1543259391
Series: 2018
Book of the month

Xoliswa Ndoyiya: Ukutya Kwasekhaya

Xoliswa Ndoyiya: Ukutya KwasekhayaTastes from Nelson Mandela’s kitchen

A collection of recipes by Nelson Mandela's personal chef, this book contains the food served to visiting heads of state, celebrities, politicians for more than 20 years. Featuring some of the favourite former South African president's favourite meals including samp and beans, farm chicken, tripe, this book also features paella, peri-peri chicken, prawn curry, and myriad of other delights. With simple, delicious and nourishing recipes, it will interest those who wish to prepare meals that are both elegant and healthy.More

New arrivals

New titles in our library 12/2016

Our library has aquired a number of new and interesting books. Here is the list of the latest titles.

  • Blood Brothers: The Fatal Friendship Between Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X by Randy Roberts and Johnny Smith
  • Fashion Cities Africa by Hannah Azieb Pool
  • Frantz Fanon: Toward a Revolutionary Humanismby Christopher Lee
  • Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  • Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty by Robinson, James A., Acemoglu, Daron
  • Shakespeare in Swahililand: Adventures With the Ever-Living Poet by Edward Wilson-Lee
  • A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present by Richard J. Reid
  • Authentically African: Arts and the Transnational Politics of Congolese Culture by Sarah Van Beurden
  • Children in Slavery through the Ages by by Gwyn CampbellSuzanne MiersJoseph C. Miller
  • Global Health in Africa: Historical Perspectives on Disease Control by Tamara Giles-Vernick
  • Rumba on the River: A History of the Popular Music of the Two Congos by Gary  Stewart
  • Women and Slavery, Vol. 1: Africa, the Indian Ocean World, and the Medieval North Atlantic by Gwyn Campbell
  • Women and Slavery, Vol. 2: The Modern Atlantic by Gwyn Campbell
  • Cahier d'un Retour Au Pays Natal by Aimé Cesaire
  • Healing Traditions: African Medicine, Cultural Exchange and Competition in South Africa, 1820-1948 by Karen Elizabeth  Flint
  • Global Education Policy and International Development: New Agendas, Issues and Policies by Antoni Verger
  • Black Skin, White Coats: Nigerian Psychiatrists, Decolonization, and the Globalization of Psychiatry by Matthew M. Heaton
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