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8.4. Travel Guides & Country Profiles
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- Across Africa and Beyond book
ISBN: 0902830295
Series: Ringwood, 1994- Africa 2002 book
Series: 2001- Africa on a Shoestring book
ISBN: 0864421273
Series: Hawthorn, 1992- African Wildlife Safaris book
- Spectrum Guide to
ISBN: 086190320X
Series: London, 1985 - Africká mozaika book
- Kniha reportáží, povídek a vzpomínek z cest jabloneckých delegátů (...) 1953-1962
Series: Liberec, 1964 - Africké perokresby book
Series: Praha, 1960- Afrika book
- Kde začal příběh lidského rodu. Poslední velký ráj zvířat. Může afrika zachránit svět?
Series: 2005 - Afrika - jiný svět book
Series: 2004- Afrikas Sueden book
- Richtig Reisen
ISBN: 3770127587 - Algeria book
- World Bibliographical Series, Vol. 19
ISBN: 1851091300
Series: Oxford, 1995 - Back to Africa book
- A Journey
ISBN: 0340579625
Series: 1992 - Bay of Tigers book
- An African Odyssey
ISBN: 0151006555
Series: Orlando, Fl., 2003 - Book of SA Sport and Sport Records book
Series: 1990- Burkina Faso Today book
ISBN: 2869503504
Series: Paris, 2001- Čekání na období dešťů book
- Zambijská mozaika
Series: 2008 - Central Africa book
ISBN: 0749655437
Series: London, 2005- Culture and customs of Sudan book
ISBN: 9780313344381
Series: Westport, Conn, 2009, Culture and Customs of Africa- Democratic Republic of the Congo book
ISBN: 0791092496
Series: New York, 2007, III.- Dvakrát do Kamerunu book
Series: 1986- East Africa book
- A Travel Survival Kit
ISBN: 0864422091
Series: Howthorn, 1994, Travel Survival Kit - Eben book
Series: 2003- Eritrea book
- A Tourist Guide
ISBN: 1569020116
Series: Lawrenceville, NJ, 1995 - The First Son of South Africa to be Premier book
ISBN: 0963557254
Series: Oldwick, New Jersey, 1993- Ghana book
- Praktisches Reisehandbuch fur die "Goldkuste" Westafrikas
ISBN: 3922057101
Series: Frankfurt am Main, 1995 - Ghana book
- Traveller's Guide; The Ghanian People, their History and Culture
ISBN: 3927198196
Series: Heidelberg, 2001 - Ghana Today book
ISBN: 2869502974
Series: Paris, 1997- Ghana Tourist Board Directory book
ISBN: 0000000000000- Ghanalinks Directory 2010-2011 book
Series: London- The Guide to Botswana book
ISBN: 0620045795
Series: Johanesburg, 1980- Hádanka krále Gheza book
Series: 1985- Hello, World! book
- On Canada, the World and Youth
ISBN: 1895854601
Series: Vancuver, 1996 - Holiday to East Africa book
ISBN: 053309609X
Series: New York, 1992- Hunting Pirate Heaven book
- A Voyage in Search of the Lost Pirate settlements of the Indian Ocean
ISBN: 0094800103
Series: London, 2001 - In Teleki´s Footsteps book
- A Walk Across East Africa
ISBN: 0333517776
Series: London, 1989 - In the Land of Solomon and Sheba book
ISBN: 1569020930
Series: Lawrenceville, NJ, 2002- Kilimanjaro book
- A Complete Trekker's Guide
ISBN: 1852844132
Series: Milnthorpe, 2004 - Lusaka and Livingstone Streetguide book
ISBN: 0000000000
Series: Lusaka, 2004- Malawi book
- The warm heart of africa
ISBN: 9990814112
Series: Blantyre, 2002 - Morocco book
ISBN: 0864425015
Series: Hawthorn, 1998- Můj soused je čaroděj book
Series: Brno, 2011- Najdža - hvězdy v srdci book
Series: 2003- Najdža - hvězdy v srdci book
- Namibia book
- The Essential Guide to Customs and Culture
ISBN: 1857334736
Series: London, 2008, Culture Smart - New Hope for Africa book
ISBN: 0951845802
Series: Reading, 1991- Než spadne klec book
Series: Praha, 2011- No Fixed Abode book
- A Jewish Odyssey to Africa
ISBN: 1850436266
Series: London, 2005 - Once We Were Hunters book
- A Journey with Africa's Indigenous People
ISBN: 0864863713
Series: Capetown, 2000 - Pocket Guide to Nigeria book
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: New York, 1992- Remote Corners book
- A Sierra Leone Memoir
ISBN: 1860648177
Series: London, 2002 - Resource Guide to Travel in Sub-Saharan Africa book
- Volume 1: East and West Africa
ISBN: 1873836457
Series: London, 1994 - Sahara Man book
- Travelling with the Tuareg
ISBN: 0719561612
Series: London, 2001 - Senegal Today book
ISBN: 2869503253
Series: Paris, 1999- Smích a pláč Afriky book
- Cestou kolem jednoho kontinentu
Series: Praha, 2011 - Stories for Trees book
- Stories and Images of Angola
ISBN: 0968878644
Series: Luanda, 2002 - Südafrika: Die Kapregion book
- Praktisches Handbuch für Natur und Kulturreisen
ISBN: 3898591166
Series: Frankfurt am Main, 2003 - Tanzania book
- African Eden
Series: Zanzibar, 2001 - Togo book
- Portrait of a West African Francophone Republic in the 1980s
ISBN: 089950759X
Series: Jefferson, N.C, 1993 - Traveller's Guide to Central and Southern Africa book
- 6th edition
ISBN: 0531038513
Series: Edison, NY, 1986 - Traveller's Guide to Central and Southern Africa book
- 7th edition
ISBN: 1556502311
Series: New York, 1990 - Traveller's Guide to West Africa book
ISBN: 1556500955
Series: London, 1988- Uganda Districts book
- Information Handbook
ISBN: 9970020307
Series: Kampala, 2002 - Watching Wild Life - East Africa book
ISBN: 1864500336
Series: London, 2001- Welcome to Ethiopia book
- Welcome to My Country
ISBN: 0749660120
Series: lONDON, 2005 - Welcome to Nigeria book
- Welcome to My Country
ISBN: 0749660163
Series: London, 2005 - Z kilimandžára na Saharu book
Series: 1986