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14.2. Diaspora
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- African Americans in Hawai'i book
Series: Charleston, 2011, Images of America- The African Brain Drain book
- Managing the Drain: Working with the Diaspora
ISBN: 9789988589448
Series: Tripoli, 2008 - The Autobiography of Malcolm X book
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: New York, 1966- The Autobiography of Malcolm X book
ISBN: 0345350685
Series: New York, 1964- The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr. book
ISBN: 0446676500
Series: New York, 2001- The Autobiography of W.E.B. Du Bois book
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: New York, 1968- Dictionary of American Negro Biography book
Series: 1982- From the Statue of Liberty (Liberation) to the Statue of Bigotry (White Rasism and facing White Europe) book
Series: 1992- Hidden Figures book
- the Untold Story of the African American Women Who Helped Win the Space Race
ISBN: 9780008201326 - The House of Sugar Beach book
- In Search of a Lost African Childhood
Series: New York, 2008 - Kolín - Conakry. Příběh naší babičky. book
Series: Kolín, 2013- Malcolm X - Make It Plain book
ISBN: 0140177132
Series: New York, 1994- Martin Luther King proti nespravedlnosti book
ISBN: 9788070073346
Series: Prague, 2010- Mary Seacole book
- The Charismatic Black Nurse Who Became a Heroine of the Crimea
ISBN: 1841196770
Series: London, 2005 - Mein Afrikanisches Herz book
ISBN: 9783866121324
Series: Munich, 2007- Ready for Revolution book
- The Life and Struggles of Stokely Carmichael
ISBN: 0684850036
Series: New York, 2003 - Samuel L. Jackson book
- The Unauthorised Biography
ISBN: 1852270241
Series: London, 2004 - Say It Plain book
- A Century of Great African American Speeches
ISBN: 1565849248
Series: New York, 2005 - Strangers at the gate: Black Poland book
ISBN: 9788394711801- A Testament of Hope book
- The Essential Writings ans Speeches of Martin Luther King
ISBN: 0060646918
Series: San Francisco, 1991 - Unter die Deutschen gefallen book
- Erfahrungen eines Afrikaners
ISBN: 354836280X
Series: Wuppertal, 1992 - Who Really Assassinated Martin Luther King, Jr.? book
Series: 1992- Witnesses to the Miracle book
Series: 2004