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International Cooperation
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- Česká republika a Afrika book
- Sborník příspěvků z konference Praha, 25. října 2007
ISBN: 9788086709093
Series: Praha, 2007 - Development Dialogue book
- A Journal of International Development Cooperation
Series: Uppsala, 2002 - Does Africa need fair trade? article
Source: Royal African Society
Series: 2011-01-13- Encyklopedie rozvojových studií book
ISBN: 9788024429489
Series: Olomouc, 2011- The Power of Interdependence book
- Lessons from Africa
Series: 2012 - The Chinese Stance on the Darfur Conflict article
Source: South African Institute of Internatinal Affairs. African Perspectives. Global Insights
Series: 2010-09-