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- Adjustment and Technology: The Case of Rice book
ISBN: 9264139427
Series: Paris, 1993- African Women&ICTs book
- Investing Technology, Gender and Empowerment
ISBN: 9781848131927
Series: London, 2009 - Flexible Specialization book
- The Dynamics of Small Scale Industries in the South
ISBN: 1853392170
Series: London, 1994 - In Search of Modernity book
- Science and Technology in Africa
ISBN: 1592211127
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2003 - Innovation Systems Emergence to Take-off: What Prospects for Innovation-driven Development in the South? book
Series: London - Abuja, 2011, Volume 3, Number 2- Putting Africa First book
- The Making of African Innovation Systems
ISBN: 8773076996
Series: Aalborg, 2003 - Science and Technology in Africa book
ISBN: 1592211127
Series: 2003- SMS Uprising: Mobile Activism in Africa book
ISBN: 9781906387358
Series: Oxford, 2010- Starved for Science: How Biotechnology is Being Kept out of Africa book
ISBN: 0674029739
Series: Cambridge, Mass, 2008- Technology and Skills in Zimbabwe's Manufacturing book
- From Autarky to Competion
ISBN: 033365224X
Series: London, 2000 - Udržitelné technologie pro rozvoj book
- Příručka pro implementaci udržitelných technologií v rozvojové spolupráci
ISBN: 9788025461051
Series: Praha, 2009 - Udržitelné technologie pro rozvoj: příručka pro implementaci udržitelných technologií v rozvojové spolupráci book
ISBN: 9788025461051
Series: Praha, 2009- Voices from Africa 9 book
- Information and Communication Technologies
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Geneva, 2000 - The Wordsworth Dictionary of Science and Technology book
Series: 1996