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- Celebrities and the Taylor trial article
- Justice and false consciousness
Source: Pambazuka
Series: 2010-08-23 - Coltan, the Congo and your cell phone article
Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Series: 2011-04-11- Democracy on Hold - Rights Violations in the April 2010 Sudan Elections article
Source: Human Rights Watch
Series: 2010-04-- Do No Harm article
- International Support for Statebuiliding
Source: OECD Publishing
Series: 2010 - Southern Sudan at odds with itself article
- Dynamics of conflict and predicaments of peace
Source: www.lse.ac.uk
Series: 2010 - Special Report - ICC Review Conference: Taking Stock on the Ground article
Source: Institute for War&Peace Reporting
Series: 2010-07-- The Chinese Stance on the Darfur Conflict article
Source: South African Institute of Internatinal Affairs. African Perspectives. Global Insights
Series: 2010-09-- Uncertain Future article
- Armed Violence in Southern Sudan
Source: Graduate Institute of International and Development
Series: 2010-04-