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- Abolishing School Fees in Africa book
- Lessons from Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Mozambique
Series: Washington DC - Adinkra Symbols book
ISBN: 0000000000
Series: London, 2000- African Market Women book
- Seven Life Stories from Ghana
ISBN: 9780253221544
Series: Bloomington, Indiana, 2010 - Africa´s Informal Workers book
- Collective Agency, Alliances and Transnational Organizing in Urban Africa
ISBN: 9781848134515
Series: London, 2010 - An Outline of Asante History book
- Part 1
ISBN: 9988824033
Series: Kumasi, 1994 - An Outline of Asante History book
- Part 2
ISBN: 9988759614
Series: Kumasi, 2000 - At Home in the World? book
- International migration and development in contemporary Ghana and West Africa
ISBN: 9988550677
Series: Accra, Ghana, 2005 - Atlas for Ghana book
ISBN: 9780007818921
Series: London, 2009, Social Studies- Black Stars - the long road to Greatness book
- A photographic documentation of Ghana´s football history, Vol.I
- Boom and Dislocation book
- The Environmental and Social Imacts of Mining in the Wassa West District of Ghana
ISBN: 9789988602994
Series: 2000, Third World Network-Afrika - Call to Duty book
- The Enforced Restoration of the Constitution of Ghana
ISBN: 9789988098022
Series: Accra, Ghana, 2007 - City Map of Accra book
- ISBN: 0000000000
Series: Accra - A Comprehensive Course in Twi (Asante) book
- for the Non-Twi Learner
ISBN: 9964302452
Series: Accra, 1996 - The Economy of Ghana book
- Analytical Perspectives on Stability, Growth & Poverty
Series: Suffolk/ Accra New Town, 2008 - Ghana book
- One Decade of the Liberal State
ISBN: 9781842778289
Series: Dakar, 2007, Africa in the New Millenium - Ghana book
- Praktisches Reisehandbuch fur die "Goldkuste" Westafrikas
ISBN: 3922057101
Series: Frankfurt am Main, 1995 - Ghana book
- A Political History from Pre-European to Modern Times
ISBN: 9964721064
Series: Accra, 1990 - Ghana book
- Traveller's Guide; The Ghanian People, their History and Culture
ISBN: 3927198196
Series: Heidelberg, 2001 - The Ghana Association of Writers (GAW) book
- Commemorative Brochure
Series: Accra, 1991 - Ghana in Africa and the World book
- Essays in Honor of Adu Boahen
ISBN: 1592210708
Series: Trenton, 2003 - Ghana in Transition book
Series: 1968- Ghana Positive Change 2002 ... book
- ... Developing Our Communities
- Ghana Tourist Board Directory book
ISBN: 0000000000000- Ghana: The Kume Preko Demonstrations book
- Poverty, Corruption & The Rawlings Dictatorship
ISBN: 1899925058
Series: London, 1995 - Ghana: Volby, politické strany a stranictví book
Series: Olomouc, 2010, Edice Studie a analýzy, svazek 13- Golden Harvest book
- The Story of the Cocoa Industry in Ghana
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: 1953 - The Languages of Ghana book
ISBN: 071030210X
Series: London, 1988- The Legacy of Efua Sutherland book
- Pan-African Cultural Activism
ISBN: 9780954702311
Series: Oxfordshire, 2007 - A Life Story of Kwame Nkrumah book
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Accra, 2007- Local Politics and the Dynamics of Property in Africa book
ISBN: 9780521148511
Series: Cambridge, 2010- The Mobile City of Accra - Urban Families, Housing and Residential Practises book
- Accra, Capitale en mouvement - Familles citadines, logement et pratiques résidentielles
Series: Dakar, 2012 - My First Coup d'Etat book
- Memories from the Lost Decades of Africa
Series: London, 2012 - Nii Kwei's Day book
- From Dawn to Dusk in a Ghanaian City
ISBN: 0711220425
Series: London, UK, 2001 - One Hen book
- How One Small Loan Made a Big Difference
ISBN: 9781408109816
Series: London, 2008 - Politicians and Soldiers in Ghana book
ISBN: 0714640490
Series: London, 1975- Reconstructing the Nation in Africa book
- The Politics of Nationalism in Ghana
ISBN: 9781845112592
Series: London, 2007 - Schooling and Education in Africa book
- The Case of Ghana
ISBN: 1592210031
Series: Asmara, 2004 - Studies in Rural Capitalism in West Africa book
Series: New York, 2009- Tahinta! book
- A Rhythm Play for Children
ISBN: 9964702396
Series: Accra, 2000 - The Translantic Slave Trade: book
- Landmarks, Legacies, Expectations
ISBN: 9789988647735
Series: Accra, 2007 - The Trials of J.J. Rawlings book
- Echoes of the 31st December Revolution
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Hampton, Virginia, 1992 - Voice in the forest book
ISBN: 9964704046
Series: Accra, 2006- Whispers at Dawn book
- Worshipping the Wrong God book
ISBN: 978998810815X
Series: Accra, 2008