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South Africa
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- No Healing Here: Violence, Discrimination and Barriers to Health for Migrants in South Africa article
- Source: Human Rights Watch
Series: 2009-12-07 - Poverty and inequality in South Africa article
- Policy options and consequences for planning in an emerging democracy
Source: PASSN - Poverty Analysis and Social Safety Nets
Series: 2007-03- - South Africa and China: the agricultural and fisheries trading ralationship article
Source: tralac Working Paper No 2.
Series: 2008- Sustainable Development and Climate Change in South Africa article
- Two case studies for the development and climate change project: Energy Futures and Freshwater Resources
Source: Energy and Development Research Center
Series: 2003-09- - Water shortage, deforestation and development article
- South Africa´s working for water programme
Source: Land Degradation and Development 12 (2001)
Series: 2001-05-31