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South Africa
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- Afrikas Sueden book
- Richtig Reisen
ISBN: 3770127587 - An Election To Remember book
- Recollections of a United Nations Observer to the 1994 South African Election
ISBN: 9982240110
Series: Lusaka, 1999 - Another Kind of one Nation book
- Young South African Writing 1
ISBN: 0795700245
Series: Cape Town, 1996, Young South African Writing - Apartheid Museum - Souvenir Guide book
Series: Johannesburg, South Africa, 2001- Between Apartheid and Capitalism book
- Conversations with South African socialists
ISBN: 0906224683
Series: London, 1992 - Biko Lives! book
- Contesting the Legacies of Steve Biko
ISBN: 9780230606494
Series: Hampshire, 2008, Contemporary Black History - Community management of natural resources in Africa book
- Impacts, experiences and future directions
ISBN: 9781843697558
Series: London, 2009 - Constructive Engagement? book
- Chester Crocker & American Policy in South Africa, Namibia & Angola, 1981-8
ISBN: 9781847013057
Series: Oxford, 2007 - Crime and Policing in Post-Apartheid South Africa book
ISBN: 1850654182
Series: London, 2002- Criticism and Ideology book
- Second African Writers' Conference, Stockholm 1986
ISBN: 9171062769
Series: Uppsala, 1988 - Dějiny Jižní Afriky book
Series: Praha, 2010- Elusive equity book
- Education Reform in Post-Apartheid South Africa
ISBN: 0815728409
Series: Washington, D.C, 2004 - The Experience of Economic Redistribution book
- The Growth, Employment and Redistribution Strategy in South Africa
Series: London and New York, 2012, African Studies-History,Politics,Economics,andCult - From Revolution to Rights in South Africa book
- Social Movements, NGOs & Popular Politics after Apartheid
Series: Suffolk/ Pietermaritzburg, Scottsville, 2008 - The Great Place book
- A Soulful Celebration of the Beautiful South African People
ISBN: 1413740081
Series: Baltimore, 2004 - Hidden Lives, Hidden Death book
- South Africa's Crippling of a Continent
ISBN: 0571139078
Series: London, 1988 - The Innocents book
ISBN: 086486292X
Series: Claremont, 1994, Afrisouth Paperbacks- Insiders and Outsiders book
- Citizenship and Xenophobia in Contemporary Southern Africa
ISBN: 1842776770
Series: Dakar, 2006 - A Just Defiance book
- The Bombmakers, the Insurgents and a Legendary Treason Trial
Series: London, 2011 - Liberation Movement and beyond book
- Challenges for the ANC
ISBN: 1852870869
Series: London, 1991 - Mandela - Character, Comrade, Leader, Prisoner, Negotiater, Statesman book
- An exhibition celebrating the life and times of Nelson Rhlihlahla Mandela
Series: Johannesburg, South Africa, 2008 - Not Either an Experimental Doll book
- The Separate Worlds of three South African Women
ISBN: 0704340488
Series: London, 1987 - One Child One Seed book
- A South African Counting Book
ISBN: 0711219109
Series: London, UK, 2002 - The Political Economy of Regionalism book
- The Case of Southern Africa
ISBN: 1403920834
Series: Palgrave MacMillan, 2004 - Poverty and Water book
- Explorations of the Reciprocal Relationship
ISBN: 9781842779620
Series: London, 2008 - Renewal Time book
ISBN: 0930523563
Series: Columbia, Louisiana, 1988- South Africa - Limits to Change book
- The Political Economy of Transformation
Series: Rondebosch/London, 1998 - South Africa - State of Fear book
- Security force complicity in torture and political killings, 1990-1992
ISBN: 0862102138
Series: London, 1992 - South Africa's Gold Mines & The Politics of Silicosis book
Series: Suffolk/Johannesburg, 2012, African Issues- South Africa: The Press and the Politics of Liberation book
ISBN: 0905507053
Series: London, 1978- The South African Tripod book
- Studies on Economics, Politics and Conflict
ISBN: 9171063412
Series: Uppsala, 1994 - Southern Africa After Apartheid book
- Regional Integration and External Resources
ISBN: 9171063323
Series: Uppsala, 1993, Seminar Proceedings No. 28 - The Struggle is My Life book
ISBN: 1871863082
Series: London, 1990- Südafrika: Die Kapregion book
- Praktisches Handbuch für Natur und Kulturreisen
ISBN: 3898591166
Series: Frankfurt am Main, 2003 - South Africa book
- The Good News
ISBN: 0620296410
Series: Rivonia, 2002 - Time of Our Darkness book
ISBN: 0091735939
Series: London, 1988- Válka Zulů book
- Britsko-zulská válka v roce 1879
ISBN: 8072548301
Series: Prague, 2006 - The Writer As Myth Maker book
- South Asian Perspectives on Wole Soyinka
ISBN: 1592212964
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2004