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- "Krásný, báječný, nešťastný Egypt!" book
- Čeští cestovatelé konce 19. a první poloviny 20. století
ISBN: 9788072774296
Series: Prague, 2010 - KMT: in the house of life book
- An epistemic novel
ISBN: 9782911928062
Series: Popenguine, 2002 - Luxor Temple book
ISBN: 9773052109
Series: Messaha, 2000- The Making of Egypt book
- A Series of Ten Talks
ISBN: 9773051242
Series: Guizeh, 1999 - Recasting Ancient Egypt in the African Context book
ISBN: 086543381X
Series: Trenton NJ, 1996- Sohag in Upper Egypt book
- A Glorious History
ISBN: 9773051137
Series: Guizeh, 1999