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Art, Politics, and Cultural Identification in Sudan book
Mohamed Abusabib
ISBN: 9155458874
Series: Uppsala, 2004, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis
The Benefits of Famine book
A Political Economy of Famine & Relief in Southeastern Sudan 1983-89
Keen, David
ISBN: 9781847013149
Series: Oxford, 2008, Eastern African Studies
Český lékař v srdci Afriky book
Drlík Marcel
Series: 2003
Culture and customs of Sudan book
Kwame Essien and Toyin Falola
ISBN: 9780313344381
Series: Westport, Conn, 2009, Culture and Customs of Africa
Darfur book
The Ambiguous Genocide
Prunier, Gérard
ISBN: 0801444500
Series: New York, 2005
Escape from Slavery book
The True Story of My Ten Years in Captivity and My Journey to Freedom in America
Bok Francis
ISBN: 0312306245
Series: New York, 2003
A history of modern Sudan book
Robert O. Collins
ISBN: 9780521674959
Series: Cambridge, UK, 2008
The Nubian Past book
An Archeology of the Sudan
Edwards, David N.
ISBN: 0415369886
Series: London, 2004
Out of Exile book
Narratives from the Abducted and Displaced People of Sudan
Waltzer, Craig
ISBN: 9781934781135
Series: San Francisco, 2008, Voice of Witness
The Politics of Two Sudans book
The South and the North 1821-1969
Ruay, Deng D. Akol
ISBN: 9171063447
Series: Uppsala, 1994
Ropné zásoby v subsaharské Africe a jejich vliv na utváření světové politiky book
Vladimíř Kváča, Vladimíra Knotková, Jan Kochan
ISBN: 9788073998707
Series: Brno, 2009
Saviors and Survivors book
Darfur, Politics, and the War on Terror
Mahmood Mamdani
ISBN: 9781844673414
Series: London, 2009
Sklavin book
Nazer Mende
ISBN: 3426625415
Series: Munich, 2002
Slave book
My True Story
Nazer, Mende
ISBN: 1586482122
Series: New York, 2004, Public Affairs
Sudan book
Race, religion and violence
Jok Maduk Jok
ISBN: 9781851683666
Series: Oxford, 2007, A Oneworld Book
The Sudan Handbook book
edited by John Ryle ... et al
ISBN: 9781847010308
Series: Suffolk, 2011
Sudan Looks East book
China, India and the politics of Asian alternatives
Daniel Large and Luke A. Patey (Editors)
Series: Suffolk, 2011, African Issues
Book of the month

Xoliswa Ndoyiya: Ukutya Kwasekhaya

Xoliswa Ndoyiya: Ukutya KwasekhayaTastes from Nelson Mandela’s kitchen

A collection of recipes by Nelson Mandela's personal chef, this book contains the food served to visiting heads of state, celebrities, politicians for more than 20 years. Featuring some of the favourite former South African president's favourite meals including samp and beans, farm chicken, tripe, this book also features paella, peri-peri chicken, prawn curry, and myriad of other delights. With simple, delicious and nourishing recipes, it will interest those who wish to prepare meals that are both elegant and healthy.More

New arrivals

New titles in our library 12/2016

Our library has aquired a number of new and interesting books. Here is the list of the latest titles.

  • Blood Brothers: The Fatal Friendship Between Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X by Randy Roberts and Johnny Smith
  • Fashion Cities Africa by Hannah Azieb Pool
  • Frantz Fanon: Toward a Revolutionary Humanismby Christopher Lee
  • Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  • Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty by Robinson, James A., Acemoglu, Daron
  • Shakespeare in Swahililand: Adventures With the Ever-Living Poet by Edward Wilson-Lee
  • A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present by Richard J. Reid
  • Authentically African: Arts and the Transnational Politics of Congolese Culture by Sarah Van Beurden
  • Children in Slavery through the Ages by by Gwyn CampbellSuzanne MiersJoseph C. Miller
  • Global Health in Africa: Historical Perspectives on Disease Control by Tamara Giles-Vernick
  • Rumba on the River: A History of the Popular Music of the Two Congos by Gary  Stewart
  • Women and Slavery, Vol. 1: Africa, the Indian Ocean World, and the Medieval North Atlantic by Gwyn Campbell
  • Women and Slavery, Vol. 2: The Modern Atlantic by Gwyn Campbell
  • Cahier d'un Retour Au Pays Natal by Aimé Cesaire
  • Healing Traditions: African Medicine, Cultural Exchange and Competition in South Africa, 1820-1948 by Karen Elizabeth  Flint
  • Global Education Policy and International Development: New Agendas, Issues and Policies by Antoni Verger
  • Black Skin, White Coats: Nigerian Psychiatrists, Decolonization, and the Globalization of Psychiatry by Matthew M. Heaton
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