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- Amazing Africa: Projects You Can Build Yourself book
ISBN: 9781934670415
Series: White River Junction, 2010- An Outline of Asante History book
- Part 2
ISBN: 9988759614
Series: Kumasi, 2000 - Being Oromo In Kenya book
ISBN: 0865435693
Series: Trenton, NJ, 1998- Cesta k branám Damašku book
- Východní Afrikou
ISBN: 9788090632509
Series: Příbram, 2016 - Ethnicity and the State in Eastern Africa book
ISBN: 9171064184
Series: Stockholm, 1998- Etnická různorodost jako zdroj konfliktů book
ISBN: 8024509415
Series: Praha, 2005- The South African Tripod book
- Studies on Economics, Politics and Conflict
ISBN: 9171063412
Series: Uppsala, 1994 - Unmasking the State - Making Guinea Modern book
Series: Chicago and London, 2013