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- "Krásný, báječný, nešťastný Egypt!" book
- Čeští cestovatelé konce 19. a první poloviny 20. století
ISBN: 9788072774296
Series: Prague, 2010 - The Africans book
ISBN: 0394753089
Series: New York, 1989- Afrika book
Series: Praha, 1962- Alžírsko book
ISBN: 9788072773350
Series: Prague, 2007, Stručná historie států- An Outline of Asante History book
- Part 2
ISBN: 9988759614
Series: Kumasi, 2000 - Angola book
ISBN: 9788072771554
Series: Prague, 2003, Stručná historie států- Becoming Zimbabwe book
- A History from the Pre-colonial Period to 2008
ISBN: 9781779220837
Series: Harare, 2009 - Big Victory, Great Task book
- North Viet-Nams' Minister of Defence assesses the course of the war
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: New York, 1968 - Botswana book
ISBN: 9788072774319
Series: Prague, 2009, Stručná historie států- Botswana and its National Heritage book
Series: Cambridgeshire, 2012- Dějiny Rwandy a Burundi book
ISBN: 9788074221750
Series: Praha, 2012- Democratic Republic of the Congo book
ISBN: 0791092496
Series: New York, 2007, III.- Etiopie book
ISBN: 9788072772216
Series: Prague, 2005, Stručná historie států- Guinea-Bissau book
ISBN: 9788072773299
Series: Prague, 2006, Stručná historie států- Haiti book
ISBN: 9788072774241
Series: Prague, 2009, Stručná historie států- A History of Namibia book
Series: London, 2011- Mosambik book
ISBN: 9788072773435
Series: Prague, 2007, Stručná historie států- Namibie book
ISBN: 9788072774395
Series: Prague, 2009, Stručná historie států- La Nouvelle Histoire du Congo book
- Mélanges eurafricains offerts a Frans Bontinck, C.I.C. M
ISBN: 9782747563918
Series: Tervuren, 2004 - South Africa book
- The Good News
ISBN: 0620296410
Series: Rivonia, 2002