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- Can Land Registration Serve Poor and Marginalised Groups? article
Source: International Institute for Environment and Development
Series: 2005-12-- Development without Freedom: How Aid Underwrites Repression in Ethiopia article
- Source: Human Rights Watch
Series: 2010-10-19 - Equal Access for all? Meeting the needs for water and sanitation of people living with HIV/AIDS article
- Stejný přístup pro každého? Zajištění pokrytí potřeb, týkajících se vody a hygienických zařízení pro osoby s HIV/AIDS
Source: Water Aid
Series: 2006 - Putting our heads together Debating the potential strengths of partnerships for WASH article
- Dáváme hlavy dohromady při debatě o potenciálu síly partnerství v projektu WASH
Source: Water Aid
Series: 2009 - The Rain Doesn't Come On Time Anymore article
- Poverty, vulnerability, and climate variability in Ethiopia
Source: OXFAM
Series: 2010-04-22