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- African Images book
- Recent studies and text in cinema
ISBN: 0865438196
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2000, Number 8 - Afriques 50 singularités d'un cinéma pluriel book
ISBN: 2747582051
Series: Paris, 2005- A Box Full of Spirit book
- Adventures of a Film-maker in Africa
ISBN: 0434877883
Series: London, 1987 - Directory of African Film-Makers and Films book
ISBN: 0948911603
Series: Trowbridge, 1992- Ousmane Smbene Interviews book
ISBN: 9781934110867
Series: 2008, Conversation with Filmakers- Sembene book
- Imaging Alternatives in Film & Fiction
ISBN: 0852555555
Series: Oxford, 2000