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- Afrika book
Series: Praha, 1962- The Algebra of Infinite Justice book
ISBN: 0007149492
Series: London, 2002- Algeria book
- World Bibliographical Series, Vol. 19
ISBN: 1851091300
Series: Oxford, 1995 - Angola: The Weight of History book
ISBN: 9781850658849
Series: London, 2007- Bay of Tigers book
- An African Odyssey
ISBN: 0151006555
Series: Orlando, Fl., 2003 - Burkina Faso Today book
ISBN: 2869503504
Series: Paris, 2001- Central Africa book
ISBN: 0749655437
Series: London, 2005- Czechs and Balances book
- A nation's survival kit
ISBN: 8072141368
Series: Praha, 1998 - The First Son of South Africa to be Premier book
ISBN: 0963557254
Series: Oldwick, New Jersey, 1993- Ghana Today book
ISBN: 2869502974
Series: Paris, 1997- In Teleki´s Footsteps book
- A Walk Across East Africa
ISBN: 0333517776
Series: London, 1989 - Malawi book
- The warm heart of africa
ISBN: 9990814112
Series: Blantyre, 2002 - Namibie book
ISBN: 9788072774395
Series: Prague, 2009, Stručná historie států- New Hope for Africa book
ISBN: 0951845802
Series: Reading, 1991- No Fixed Abode book
- A Jewish Odyssey to Africa
ISBN: 1850436266
Series: London, 2005 - Once We Were Hunters book
- A Journey with Africa's Indigenous People
ISBN: 0864863713
Series: Capetown, 2000 - Remote Corners book
- A Sierra Leone Memoir
ISBN: 1860648177
Series: London, 2002 - Senegal Today book
ISBN: 2869503253
Series: Paris, 1999- Stories for Trees book
- Stories and Images of Angola
ISBN: 0968878644
Series: Luanda, 2002 - Tanzania book
- African Eden
Series: Zanzibar, 2001 - Togo book
- Portrait of a West African Francophone Republic in the 1980s
ISBN: 089950759X
Series: Jefferson, N.C, 1993 - Uganda Districts book
- Information Handbook
ISBN: 9970020307
Series: Kampala, 2002