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Development Studies
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- Adapting Cities to Climate Change book
- Understanding and Addressing the Development Challenges
ISBN: 9781844077465
Series: London, 2010 - Africa & Development Challanges in the New Millennium book
- The Nepad Debate
ISBN: 1842775952
Series: London, 2006 - African land questions, agrarian transitions, and the state book
- contradictions of neo-liberal land reforms
ISBN: 9782869782020
Series: Dakar, Senegal, 2008 - The African renaissance book
- History, significance, and strategy
ISBN: 1592210139
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2002 - African Voices on Structural Adjustment book
- A Companion to: Our Continent, Our Future
ISBN: 0865437793
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2003 - Aid for Development book
- A Political and Economic Study
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: London, 1966, Background Books - At Home in the World? book
- International migration and development in contemporary Ghana and West Africa
ISBN: 9988550677
Series: Accra, Ghana, 2005 - Bewitching Development: Witchcraft and the Reinvention of Development in Neoliberal Kenya book
ISBN: 9780022676458
Series: Chicago, 2008, Chicago Studies in Practices of Meaning- Big Business, Poor Peoples book
- How Transnational Corporations Damage the World's Poor
ISBN: 1848130333
Series: London, UK, 2008 - The Blue Sweater book
- Bridging the Gap between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World
ISBN: 9781594869150
Series: New York, 2009 - The Bottom Billion book
- Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It
ISBN: 9780195374636
Series: Oxford, 2008 - Building Social Business book
- The New Kind of Capitalism That Serves Humanity's Most Pressing Needs
ISBN: 9781586488246
Series: New York, 2010 - Changing paradigms in development- south, east and west book
- A meeting of minds in Africa
ISBN: 9171063382
Series: Uppsala, 1993 - China in Africa book
ISBN: 9781842778647
Series: London, 2007- Communities and Reconstruction in Angola book
ISBN: 0968878601
Series: Ottawa, 2001- Conflict & collusion in Sierra Leone book
ISBN: 1403967180
Series: Oxford, 2005- Conflict Resolution, Identity Crisis and Development in Africa book
ISBN: 9789780232191
Series: Lagos, 2007- Cultivating Success in Uganda book
- Kigezi farmers & colonial policies
ISBN: 9781847016010
Series: Oxford, 2007, Eastern African Studies - The Deadly Ideas of Neoliberalism book
- How the IMF Has Undermined Public Health and the Fight Against AIDS
ISBN: 9781848132856
Series: London, 2009 - The Debt Trap in Nigeria book
- Towards a Sustainable Debt Strategy
ISBN: 1592210015
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2003 - Development and the African diaspora book
- place and the politics of home
ISBN: 9781842779002
Series: London, 2008 - Development as Modernity, Modernity as Development book
ISBN: 9782869782525
Series: Dakar, 2009- The Development of Capacity book
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Geneva, 1999- Do Bicycles Equal Development in Mozambique? book
ISBN: 9781847013194
Series: Oxford, 2008- Encyklopedie rozvojových studií book
ISBN: 9788024429489
Series: Olomouc, 2011- Fair Trade For All book
- How Trade Can Promote Development
ISBN: 9780199219988
Series: New York, 2007 - The Fenix State book
- Civil Society and the Future of Sudan
ISBN: 1569021430
Series: Lawrenceville, NJ, 2001 - Flexible Specialization book
- The Dynamics of Small Scale Industries in the South
ISBN: 1853392170
Series: London, 1994 - Gender, Sport and Developmen in Africa book
- Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Patterns of Representations and Marginalization
ISBN: 9782869783065
Series: Dakar, 2010 - The History of Development: From Western Origins to Global Faith book
ISBN: 9781848131897
Series: London, 2008- Institutions and Development in Africa book
ISBN: 1592212077
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2004- Jak Česká republika snižuje globální chudobu book
- Stínová zpráva o zahraniční rozvojové spolupráci - retrospektiva pěti let
ISBN: 9788090439559
Series: Prague, 2010 - Least but not Last book
- Least but not Last? Least Developed Countries in Official Development Assistance of Visegrad Four Co
ISBN: 9788087456040
Series: 2010 - Lethal Aid book
- The Illusion of Socialism and SElf-reliance in Tanzania
ISBN: 0865435138
Series: Trenton, NJ, 1997 - Manuál projektového cyklu zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce ČR book
ISBN: 8086506509
Series: Praha, 2006- Millennial Africa book
- Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy
ISBN: 0865439508
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2001 - The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 book
ISBN: 9789211012187
Series: 2010, The Millenium Development Goals Reports- Paying the Price book
- Why rich countries must invest now in a war on poverty
ISBN: 0855985488
Series: Oxford, 2005 - Poor People's Knowledge book
- Promoting intellectual property in developing countries
ISBN: 0821354876
Series: Oxford, 2004 - A Radical History of Development Studies book
ISBN: 9781842775257
Series: London, 2005- Saga of African underdevelopment book
- a viable approach for Africa's sustainable development in the 21st century
ISBN: 1592215823
Series: Trenton NJ, 2007 - Snakes in Paradise book
- NGOs and the Aid Industry in Africa
ISBN: 9781565493018
Series: Sterling, 2009 - Studies in Development Strategy and Systematic Transformation book
ISBN: 0333804368
Series: London, 2000- Tanzania book
- The Limits To Development from Above
ISBN: 9171063358
Series: Motala, 1993 - Towards a New Map of Africa book
ISBN: 184407093X
Series: London, 2005- Tradition and Change in Africa book
ISBN: 0865437696
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2000- Uganda book
ISBN: 0855984546
Series: Oxford, 2001, Oxfam Country Profile- The White Man´s Burden book
- Why the West´s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good
ISBN: 9780143038825
Series: London, 2006 - The White Man´s Burden book
- Why the West´s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good
ISBN: 9780199226115
Series: 2007 - Whose Development? book
- An Ethnography of Aid
ISBN: 1856496063
Series: London, 1998 - Why Doesn´t Microfinance Work? book
- The Destructive Rise of Local Neoliberalism
ISBN: 9781848133310
Series: London, 2010