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- Adjustment and Technology: The Case of Rice book
ISBN: 9264139427
Series: Paris, 1993- Amazing Africa: Projects You Can Build Yourself book
ISBN: 9781934670415
Series: White River Junction, 2010- Dancing Skeletons book
- Life and Death in West Africa
ISBN: 088133748X
Series: Illinois, 1994 - Ethiopia: The Challenge of Hunger book
ISBN: 0575036818
Series: London, 1985- The Ethiopian Famine book
- The Story of the Emergency Relief Operation
ISBN: 0862327458
Series: London, 1987 - Famine that Kills - Darfur, Sudan book
ISBN: 0195181638
Series: New York, NY, 2005- Fighting the Banana Wars and Other Fairtrade Battles book
- How We Took on the Corporate Giants to Change the World
ISBN: 9781846040832
Series: Chatham, 2008 - Food and Agriculture Facing Globalisation book
Series: Hyderabad, 2004- Food for all book
- Can hunger be halved?
Series: 2001 - Food Preservation by Solar Dryers book
- (anglicky a vietnamsky)
Series: Hue, 2008 - Food supply book
- Our Impact on the Planet
ISBN: 0750234938
Series: East Sussex, 2002, 21st Century Debates - Food, Culture, and Survival in an African City book
ISBN: 1403966389
Series: New York, 2005- The Great Food Robbery book
- How Corporations Control Food, Grab Land and Destroy the Climate
Series: Barcelona, 2012 - Laos to Liberia (Nutritious Foods from 200 Land) book
Series: 2000- The Lie of the Land book
- Challenging Received Wisdom on the African Environment
ISBN: 0435074083
Series: Oxford, 1996 - Les Merveilles de la Cuisine Africaine book
ISBN: 2869502826
Series: 2001- Rights, Resources and Rural Development book
- Community-based natural resource management in Southern Africa
ISBN: 1844070093
Series: London, 2004 - Rural Resources & Local Livelihoods in Africa book
ISBN: 0852559151
Series: New York, 2005- The Spoils of Famine book
- Ethiopian famine policy and peasant agriculture
ISBN: 0939521350
Series: Cambridge, Mass, 1988 - Sugar - The Grass that Changed the World book
ISBN: 075351057X
Series: London, 2004- The United Nations and Civil Society book
- Legitimating Global Governance - Whose voice?
ISBN: 9781848132740
Series: London, 2009 - West Africa book
- Festivals and Food
ISBN: 9780750248440
Series: London, 2006, Festivals and Food