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- African intellectuals book
- Rethinking politics, language, gender, and development
ISBN: 1842776215
Series: New York, 2005 - African Women&ICTs book
- Investing Technology, Gender and Empowerment
ISBN: 9781848131927
Series: London, 2009 - African Women's Movements book
- Changing Political Landscapes
Series: New York, 2009 - Beyond the masks: race, gender, and subjectivity book
ISBN: 0415035430
Series: New York, 1995- Black Women Taking Charge book
- Profile of Black Women Enterpreneurs
ISBN: 095316070X
Series: London, 1997 - Česká rozvojová spolupráce book
- Diskursy, praktiky, rozpory
Series: Praha, 2010 - Coming back from the bush : gender, youth and reintegration in northern Sierra Leone article
Source: African Studies Centre, Leiden
Series: 2009- CSO Development Effectiveness - Searching New Ways book
ISBN: 9788090439511
Series: Praha, 2009- Efektivnost rozvoje - hledání nových cest book
- Český příspěvek ke globálnímu procesu organizací občanské společnosti
ISBN: 9788090439504
Series: Praha, 2009 - Efektivnost rozvoje - hledání nových cest book
ISBN: 9788090439504
Series: Praha, 2009- Enhancing African Trade Union's Capacity for Promoting Gender Equality: book
- Focus on Poverty, Informal Economy and HIV/AIDS
ISBN: 0000000000
Series: 2003 - Enhancing rural learning, linkages, and institutions: the rice videos in Africa article
Source: OXFAM
Series: 2010-08-- Enterprising Women in Urban Zimbabwe: book
- Gender, Microbusiness, and Globalization
ISBN: 9780253353474
Series: Washington, D.C, 2009 - Framework Gender book
- Images of Gender and Development in Peru, Nepal and Botswana
ISBN: 9062249701
Series: The Hague, 1996 - Frauen in Politik und Gesellschaft book
- Series: 2013, KAS Auslandsinformationen
- The Gender of Globalization book
- Women Navigating Cultural and Economic Marginalities
ISBN: 9781847012036
Series: Oxford, 2007, School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Seri - The Gender of Globalization book
- Women Navigating Cultural and Economic Marginalities
ISBN: 9781847012036
Series: Oxford, 2007, School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Seri - Gender, Development and Humanitarian Work book
ISBN: 0855984570
Series: Oxford, 2001- Gender, Sport and Developmen in Africa book
- Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Patterns of Representations and Marginalization
ISBN: 9782869783065
Series: Dakar, 2010 - Gender-Specific Constraints Affecting Technology Use And Household Food Security In Western Province Of Kenya article
Source: African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development
Series: 2010-04-- Glancing Fires book
- An Investigation into Women's Creativity
ISBN: 0704340615
Series: London, 1987 - House of Falling Women book
ISBN: 9956558257
Series: Bamenda, 2008- Human Rights of Women book
- International Instruments and African Experiments
ISBN: 1842770454
Series: London, 2002 - Liberian Women Peacemakers book
- Fighting for the Right to be Seen, Heard, and Counted
ISBN: 1592212522
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2004 - Masculinities in contemporary Africa book
- La masculinté en Afrique contemporaine
ISBN: 9782869782273
Series: Dakar, Senegal, 2008 - The Millennium Development Goals book
- Achievements and prospects of meeting the targets in Africa
ISBN: 9780798302128
Series: Pretoria - Non-Traditional Occupations, Empowerment and Women book
- A Case of Togolese Women
Series: London and New York, 2005, African Studies-History,Politics,Economics,andCult - Politics in Africa book
- A New Introduction
Series: London, 2011 - Population Dynamics and Climate Change article
Series: 2009- Poverty and Water book
- Explorations of the Reciprocal Relationship
ISBN: 9781842779620
Series: London, 2008 - Sisters in the Struggle book
- African American Women in the Civil Rights-Black Power Movement
ISBN: 0814716032
Series: New York, 2001 - Social Watch Report 2005- Roars And Whispers book
- Gender and Poverty: Promises vs. Action
Series: Montevideo, 2005 - Tears of Hope book
- A Collection of Short Stories by Ugandan Rural Women
ISBN: 9970700022
Series: Kampala, 2003 - The State of World Population 2009 article
- Facing a changing world:
Source: United Nations Population Fund
Series: 2009 - To Live or to die? book
ISBN: 9780293493
Series: Ibadan, 2002- Trading Away our Rights book
- Women Working in Global Supply Chains
ISBN: 0855985232
Series: Oxford, 2004 - Unbowed book
- A Memoir
ISBN: 9780099493099
Series: London, 2008 - What Women Do in Wartime book
ISBN: 1856495388
Series: London, 1998- Women and Credit book
ISBN: 8885955029
Series: MIlan, 1991- Women and Islamic Revival in a West African Town book
ISBN: 9780253215130
Series: Bloomington, Indiana, 2009- Workings of the Spirit book
ISBN: 0226035239
Series: Chicago, 1991- Zuma´s Own Goal book
- Losing South Africa´s "War on Poverty"
ISBN: 1592217966
Series: Trenton NJ, 2011