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- Conflict Minerals: The Search for a Normative Framework article
Source: Chatham House - The Royal Institute of International Affairs
Series: 2012-09-- Diamonds, Dispossession & Democracy in Botswana book
ISBN: 9781847013132
Series: Woodbridge, 2008, African Issues- Do No Harm article
- International Support for Statebuiliding
Source: OECD Publishing
Series: 2010 - Forest Incomes after Uganda’s Forest Sector Reform: Are the Rural Poor Gaining? article
Source: International Food Policy Research Institute
Series: 2008-12-- Ghana book
- A Political History from Pre-European to Modern Times
ISBN: 9964721064
Series: Accra, 1990 - Government and Politics in Africa book
ISBN: 033396439X
Series: 1984- Governments, Globalization, and International Business book
ISBN: 0198290683
Series: Oxford, 1997- Local Millennium Development Goals initiative Local government and water and sanitation article
- Místní iniciativa – Rozvojové cíle tisícíletí. Místní vlády a voda a sanitární opatření
Source: Water Aid
Series: 2008 - Local Politics and the Dynamics of Property in Africa book
ISBN: 9780521148511
Series: Cambridge, 2010- A Peace of Timbuktu book
- Democratic Governance, Development and African Peacemaking
ISBN: 9290451254
Series: New York, 1998 - The Roots of African Conflicts book
- The Causes & Costs
ISBN: 9781847013002
Series: Oxford, 2008 - The South African Tripod book
- Studies on Economics, Politics and Conflict
ISBN: 9171063412
Series: Uppsala, 1994 - Squeeze on Democracy book
Series: 2002, 1/2002- States and Power in Africa book
- Comparative Lessons in Authority and Control
Series: Princeton, N.J, 2000, Princeton studies in international history and pol - Students and the Cold War book
ISBN: 0333630157
Series: London, 1996- Transparency and Accountability in Angola article
- Source: Human Rights Watch
Series: 2010-04-13 - The Unsettled Land book
- State-making&the Politics of Land in Zimbabwe 1893-2003
ISBN: 0852558929
Series: Ohio, 2006 - ‘Big Think’, Disjointed Incrementalism: Chinese Economic Success and Policy Lessons for Africa, or the Case for Pan-Africanism article
Source: African Journal of International Affairs
Series: 2008- “I Am Not Dead, But I Am Not Living”: Barriers to Fistula Prevention and Treatment in Kenya article
- Source: Human Rights Watch
Series: 2010-07-15