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- Africa's Freedom Railway kniha
- How a Chinese Development Project Changed Lives and Livelihoods in Tanzania
Vydání: Bloomington & Indianapolis, 2009 - Food Insecurity and the Social Division of Labour in Tanzania, 1919-85 kniha
ISBN: 0333519388
Vydání: London, 1990- Mining and Structural Adjustment kniha
- Studies on Zimbabwe and Tanzania
ISBN: 9171063404
Vydání: Uppsala, 1993 - Peasant Response to Price Incentives in Tanzania kniha
- A Theoretical and Empirial Investigation
Vydání: Uppsala, 1993, Research Report no. 91 - Poverty and Water kniha
- Explorations of the Reciprocal Relationship
ISBN: 9781842779620
Vydání: London, 2008 - Tanzania kniha
- The Limits To Development from Above
ISBN: 9171063358
Vydání: Motala, 1993