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Klíčové slovo:
Climate Change
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- Adapting Cities to Climate Change kniha
- Understanding and Addressing the Development Challenges
ISBN: 9781844077465
Vydání: London, 2010 - Assessing the cost of adaptation to climate change kniha
- A review of the UNFCCC and other recent estimates
ISBN: 9781843697459
Vydání: London, 2009 - Climate Change and the Management of Natural Systems in Cameroon kniha
Vydání: Mankon/ Bamenda, 2011- Climate Change and the Urban Poor kniha
- Risk and Resilience in 15 of the World´s Most Vulnerable Cities
Vydání: London - Climate Change in Africa kniha
ISBN: 9781848130159
Vydání: London, 2009- The Great Food Robbery kniha
- How Corporations Control Food, Grab Land and Destroy the Climate
Vydání: Barcelona, 2012