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- Africa Rising kniha
- How 900 Million African Consumers Offer More Than You Think
Vydání: New Jersey, 2011 - Africa's Greatest Entrepreneurs kniha
ISBN: 9780143024309
Vydání: Johannesburg, 2008- African Entrepreneurship kniha
- Muslim Fula Merchants in Sierra Leone
ISBN: 0896802078
Vydání: Ohio, 1999 - The Blue Sweater kniha
- Bridging the Gap between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World
ISBN: 9781594869150
Vydání: New York, 2009 - Building Social Business kniha
- The New Kind of Capitalism That Serves Humanity's Most Pressing Needs
ISBN: 9781586488246
Vydání: New York, 2010 - Enterprising Women in Urban Zimbabwe: kniha
- Gender, Microbusiness, and Globalization
ISBN: 9780253353474
Vydání: Washington, D.C, 2009 - Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development kniha
Vydání: 2011, Volume 7, Numbers 2/3/4