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- Africa and the World Trade Organization book
Series: New York, 2011- Africa Rising book
- How 900 Million African Consumers Offer More Than You Think
Series: New Jersey, 2011 - African E-Markets book
- Information and Economic Development
Series: Addis Ababa, Kopenhagen, Untrecht, 2007 - Back on Track book
- Sector-led Growth in Africa and Implications for Development
ISBN: 1592217095
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2010 - Česká rozvojová spolupráce book
- Diskursy, praktiky, rozpory
Series: Praha, 2010 - China into Africa book
- Trade, aid, and influence.
ISBN: 9780815775614
Series: Washington, D.C, 2008 - Chocolate Nations book
- Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa
ISBN: 9781848130043
Series: London, 2011 - The Coffee Paradox book
- Global Markets, Commodity Trade and the Elusive Promise of Development
ISBN: 1842774573
Series: London, 2005 - Congo-Paris book
- transnational traders on the margins of the law
ISBN: 0253337704
Series: London, 2000, African issues - Developing Agricultural Trade book
- New Roles for Government in Poor Countries
ISBN: 0333736192
Series: New York, 2003 - Developing Agricultural Trade book
- New Roles for Government in Poor Countries
ISBN: 0333736192
Series: New York, 2003 - Fair trade book
- market-driven ethical consumption
ISBN: 1412901049
Series: London, 2005 - Fair Trade and Social Justice book
- Global Entographies
ISBN: 9780814796214
Series: New York, 2010 - Glitter & Greed book
- The Secret World of the Diamond Empire
ISBN: 0971394296
Series: New York, NY, 2003 - Global Trade book
- Past Mistakes, Future Choices
ISBN: 1842775790
Series: London, 2005 - The No-Nonsense Guide to Fair Trade book
ISBN: 190445643X
Series: Oxford, 2006- On Guard for Thee book
- An Independent Review of The Free Trade Agreement
ISBN: 0921842007
Series: Quebec, 1988 - Paved with Good Intentions book
- Background to the GATT, Uruguay Round and WTO
Series: Harare, 2004 - Peasant Response to Price Incentives in Tanzania book
- A Theoretical and Empirial Investigation
Series: Uppsala, 1993, Research Report no. 91 - Trading Away our Rights book
- Women Working in Global Supply Chains
ISBN: 0855985232
Series: Oxford, 2004 - Transatlantické obchodní a investiční partnerství book
ISBN: 9788087661215
Series: 2015- The United Nations: Policy and Financing Alternatives book
- Innovative Proposals by Visionary Leaders
ISBN: 0965958905
Series: Washington, DC, 1996 - Yes Africa Can book
- Success Stories from a Dynamic Continent
Series: Washington DC, 2011