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- Africa's armies book
- From honor to infamy : a history from 1791 to the present
ISBN: 0813342775
Series: Boulder, Colo, 2002 - The African American Experience during World War II book
ISBN: 9781442210318
Series: 2011, The African American History Series- Amulets & Dreams book
- war, youth and change in africa
ISBN: 1868882306
Series: Pretoria, 2002 - Another Day of Life book
ISBN: 014118678X
Series: London, 1987- Big Victory, Great Task book
- North Viet-Nams' Minister of Defence assesses the course of the war
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: New York, 1968 - Bitter Eden book
ISBN: 1900850704
Series: London, 2002- Brothers at War book
- Making Sense of the Eritrean-Ethiopian War
ISBN: 0852558546
Series: Oxford, 2000 - The Congo wars book
- Conflict, myth, and reality
ISBN: 9781842776896
Series: London, 2007 - The Conscript: A Novel of Libya's Anticolonial War book
ISBN: 9780821420232
Series: 2012, Modern African Writing Series- Cultures of Peace in Africa book
Series: Paris - Brazzaville, 2007, No 28, October-December- Etnická různorodost jako zdroj konfliktů book
ISBN: 8024509415
Series: Praha, 2005- Famine Crimes book
- Politics & The Disaster Relief Industry in Africa
ISBN: 0852558112
Series: London/Bloomington, 1997, African issues - Ghana and the Rawlings Factor book
ISBN: 0333568451
Series: London, 1992- Implementation of International Humanitarian Law and Cultural Heritage Law (ICRC Seminar) book
Series: 2001- In the Killing Fields of Mozambique book
Series: Cape Town, 1998- Koinange-Wa-Mbiyu: Mau Mau' s Misunderstood Leader book
- Mau Mau' s Misunderstood Leader
ISBN: 1857764129
Series: Lewes, 2000 - Konflikty v soucasnem rozvojovem svete book
ISBN: 8024509431
Series: Praha, 2005- Landmines - Legacy of Conflict book
- A manual for development workers
ISBN: 0855982640
Series: London, 1994 - Life Laid Bare book
- The Survivors in Rwanda Speak
ISBN: 9781590512739
Series: New York, 2006 - Life, Death, and Aid book
- the Medecins sans frontieres report on world crisis intervention
ISBN: 0415105501
Series: London, 1993 - Mercenaires S.A book
ISBN: 2220042308
Series: Paris, 1998- Misiones en Conficto - La Habana, Washington y África. 1959-1976 book
Series: Habana, 2004- Ohniska napětí v postkoloniální Africe book
Series: Praha, 2012- Revolution or Reconciliation book
- The Struggle in the Church in South Africa
ISBN: 0951372114
Series: London, 1992 - Saviors and Survivors book
- Darfur, Politics, and the War on Terror
ISBN: 9781844673414
Series: London, 2009 - Shattered Illusion, Broken Promise (Essays on the Eritrea-Ethiopean Conflict 1998-2000) book
- Essays on the Eritrea-Ethiopean Conflict 1998-2000
ISBN: 1569021716
Series: Lawrenceville, NJ, 2002 - A Study in Internal Conflicts book
- The Liberian Crisis and the West African Peace Initiative
ISBN: 9781564555
Series: Enugu, 2000 - Sudan book
- Race, religion and violence
ISBN: 9781851683666
Series: Oxford, 2007, A Oneworld Book - Toward an Interpretation of the Rwanda Conflict: A Historical Perspective book
ISBN: 0953971317
Series: London, 1999- Trial justice book
- The international criminal court and the Lord's Resistance Army
ISBN: 1842777378
Series: London, 2006, African arguments - Válka Zulů book
- Britsko-zulská válka v roce 1879
ISBN: 8072548301
Series: Prague, 2006 - War in African Literature Today book
Series: Ibadan, Woodbridge, 2008, African Literature Today No 26- Warlord Politics and African States book
ISBN: 9781555878832
Series: Boulder, Colo, 1999- Wars, Guns and Votes book
- Democracy in Dangerous Places
ISBN: 9780099523512
Series: London, 2010 - We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families book
- Storie from Rwanda
ISBN: 9780330371216
Series: London, 2000 - Women after War book
- Gender Mainstreaming and the Social Construction of Identity in Contemporary Sierra Leone
ISBN: 9783825896270
Series: Berlin, 2006, Berlin Series on Society, Economy and Politics in - Women in Armed Opposition Groups in Africa and the Promotion of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights book
- Report of a workshop organized in Addis Ababa by Geneva Call (...) 2005
Series: Geneva