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West Africa
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- Africa Handbook book
ISBN: 0000000000
Series: Harmondsworth, 1969- At Home in the World? book
- International migration and development in contemporary Ghana and West Africa
ISBN: 9988550677
Series: Accra, Ghana, 2005 - Chocolate Nations book
- Living and Dying for Cocoa in West Africa
ISBN: 9781848130043
Series: London, 2011 - Community management of natural resources in Africa book
- Impacts, experiences and future directions
ISBN: 9781843697558
Series: London, 2009 - Comparison and adaptation of social change dynamics for the collective abandonment of open defecation report article
- Porovnání a adaptace dynamik sociálních změn vedoucích ke kolektivnímu odklonu od neregulovaného vyměšování mimo určená místa. - Zpráva
Source: Water Aid
Series: 2008 - The crisis of the state & regionalism in West Africa book
- identity, citizenship, and conflict
ISBN: 2869781660
Series: Dakar, 2005 - Ebola: How a People's Science Helped End an Epidemic (African Arguments) book
ISBN: 9781783608584
Series: London, 2016- Frauen in Politik und Gesellschaft book
- Series: 2013, KAS Auslandsinformationen
- The Gambia And Senegal book
ISBN: 174059696X
Series: Oakland, 2006- New Poets of West Africa book
ISBN: 9782601985
Series: Lagos, 1995- Nii Kwei's Day book
- From Dawn to Dusk in a Ghanaian City
ISBN: 0711220425
Series: London, UK, 2001 - Property Rights, Production Technology and Deforestation article
- Cocoa in West Africa
Source: American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting
Series: 2002-05- - Social Welfare in Muslim Societies in Africa book
ISBN: 9171064818
Series: Uppsala, 2002- Songaré book
Series: Praha, 1967- Status and Identity in West Africa book
- Nyamakalaw of Mande
ISBN: 0253209293
Series: Indiana, 1995 - This Child Will Be Great book
- Memoir of a Remarkable Life by Africa's First Woman President
ISBN: 9780061353475
Series: New York, 2009 - West Africa book
- Festivals and Food
ISBN: 9780750248440
Series: London, 2006, Festivals and Food - Women and Islamic Revival in a West African Town book
ISBN: 9780253215130
Series: Bloomington, Indiana, 2009