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- Advances in Coastal Ecology : People, Processes and Ecosystems in Kenya article
Source: African Studies Centre, Leiden
Series: 2009- Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment article
- Land Management in Ghana
Source: The Netherlands Climate Assistance Programme
Series: 2006-02- - Comparison and adaptation of social change dynamics for the collective abandonment of open defecation report article
- Porovnání a adaptace dynamik sociálních změn vedoucích ke kolektivnímu odklonu od neregulovaného vyměšování mimo určená místa. - Zpráva
Source: Water Aid
Series: 2008 - Groundwater Quality: Burkina Faso article
- Kvalita podzemních vod: Burkina Faso
Source: Water Aid
Series: 2002 - Oil Conflict and Accumulation Politics in Nigeria article
Source: Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC
Series: 2007- Putting our heads together Debating the potential strengths of partnerships for WASH article
- Dáváme hlavy dohromady při debatě o potenciálu síly partnerství v projektu WASH
Source: Water Aid
Series: 2009 - Sustainable Development and Climate Change in South Africa article
- Two case studies for the development and climate change project: Energy Futures and Freshwater Resources
Source: Energy and Development Research Center
Series: 2003-09- - The Rain Doesn't Come On Time Anymore article
- Poverty, vulnerability, and climate variability in Ethiopia
Source: OXFAM
Series: 2010-04-22 - Towards a New Governance in Food Security article
Source: The Right to Food. Urgent. Collaboration of Action Aid, Caritas Spain, Engineering without Borders - Deveopment Association, Prosalus
Series: 2010