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Africa and IMF Conditionality book
The Unevenness of Compliance, 1983-2000
Kwame Akonor
Series: London and New York, 2012, African Studies-History,Politics,Economics,andCult
Africa and the World Trade Organization book
Richard E. Mshomba
Series: New York, 2011
The anthropology of development and globalization book
from classical political economy to contemporary neoliberalism
edited by Marc Edelman and Angelique Haugerud
ISBN: 0631228799
Series: Malden, MA, 2004, Blackwell anthologies in social and cultural anthr
The Bottom Billion book
Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It
Collier, Paul
ISBN: 9780195374636
Series: Oxford, 2008
Carbon Trading book
A Critical Conversation on Climate Change, Privatization and Power
Nortberg, Olle
ISBN: 0003452328
Series: Uppsala, 2006
China in Africa book
Alden, Chris
ISBN: 9781842778647
Series: London, 2007
Coca-Colonizace. O nadnárodních společnostech (nejen) v rozvojových zemích book
Kristýna Kalendová
ISBN: 0000000000
Series: Brno, 2008, Svět v nákupním košíku
Comprendre l´organisation pour l´harmonisation en Afrique du droit des affaires (O.H.A.D.A.) book
Alhousseini Mouloul
Series: 2008
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man book
Perkins, John
ISBN: 1576753018
Series: San Francisco, 2004
Corporate Responsibility and Labour Rights book
Codes of conduct in the global economy
Jenkins, Rhys (ed.)Ruth Pearson and Gill Seyfang
ISBN: 1853839310
Series: London, 2002
Cvičení a hry pro globální výchovu 1 book
Graham Pike
ISBN: 9788073676292
Series: Prague, 2009
Cvičení a hry pro globální výchovu 2 book
Graham Pike
ISBN: 9788073676308
Series: Prague, 2009
Democratization in Africa book
Progress and Retreat
Larry Diamond
ISBN: 0801894840
Series: Baltimore, 2010
The Depth and Destiny of Work book
An African Theological Interpretation
Nimi Wariboko
Series: Trenton - Asmara, 2008
Development Dialogue book
DAG Hammarskjöld Centre
Series: Uppsala, 2009, No 51, January 2009
Le droit du commerce international book
Les peurs justifiees de l'Afrique face a la mondialisation des marches
wa Mpungu, Gregoire Bakandeja
ISBN: 2804138003
Series: Paris, 2001
Ending Global Poverty book
A Guide to What Works
Smith, Stephen C.
ISBN: 140396534X
Series: New York, 2005
Enterprising Women in Urban Zimbabwe: book
Gender, Microbusiness, and Globalization
Osirim , Mary Johnson
ISBN: 9780253353474
Series: Washington, D.C, 2009
The EU and Africa book
From Eurafrique to Afro-Europa
Adekeye Adebajo and Kaye Whiteman (Editors)
Series: London, 2012
Fair Trade For All book
How Trade Can Promote Development
Stiglitz Joseph E.
ISBN: 9780199219988
Series: New York, 2007
Food and Agriculture Facing Globalisation book
Mahamadou Maiga
Series: Hyderabad, 2004
Frontiers of Globalization book
Kinship and Family Structures in Africa
Ana Marta Gonzalez
ISBN: 1592217729
Series: London, 2010
Gemainsam Entdecken wir die Welt book
Globales Lernen in der Volksschule
Thaler, Karin (Baobab)
ISBN: 0000000000
Series: Wien, 2007
The Gender of Globalization book
Women Navigating Cultural and Economic Marginalities
Gunewardena Nandini
ISBN: 9781847012036
Series: Oxford, 2007, School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Seri
The Gender of Globalization book
Women Navigating Cultural and Economic Marginalities
Gunewardena Nandini
ISBN: 9781847012036
Series: Oxford, 2007, School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Seri
Global Education Policy and International Development: New Agendas, Issues and Policies book
Verger, Antoni
ISBN: 9781441143907
Series: 2012
Global Issues in the ELT Classroom book
Thomas James
ISBN: 9788025427323
Series: Brno, 2008
A Global Look to the Local book
Replacing economic globalisation with democratic localisation
Hines, Colin
ISBN: 1843695006
Series: London, 2004, Institutionalising Participation Series
Global Shadows book
Africa in the Neoliberal World Order
James Ferguson
ISBN: 9780822337171
Series: Durham, 2006
Global Societies book
An Introduction
Osei, Akwasi
ISBN: 053632221X
Series: Boston, 2007
Global Trade book
Past Mistakes, Future Choices
Buckman, Greg
ISBN: 1842775790
Series: London, 2005
Globalization and Its Discontents book
Stiglitz, Joseph
ISBN: 9780141010380
Series: London, 2002
The Globalization Paradox book
Dani Rodrix
Series: New York, London, 2012
Globalizing Africa book
Smith, S. Malinda (ed.)
ISBN: 0865438706
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2003
Globální problémy a rozvojová spolupráce book
Exnerová, Věra
ISBN: 9788086961552
Series: Praha, Program zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce ČR
Governments, Globalization, and International Business book
Dunning, John, H. ed
ISBN: 0198290683
Series: Oxford, 1997
Grassroots Literacy book
Writing, identity and voice in Central Africa
Jan Blommaert
ISBN: 9780415426305
Series: London, 2008
Hungry for Trade book
How the Poor Pay for Free Trade
Madeley, John
ISBN: 1856498654
Series: London, 2000
I.O.U. The Debt Threat and Why We Must Defuse It book
Hertz ,Noreena
ISBN: 0007178980
Series: London, 2004
Islam: Between Globalization and Counterterrorism book
Ali A. Mazrui
ISBN: 9780852558843
Series: Oxford, 2006
Looting Africa book
the economics of exploitation
Patrick Bond
ISBN: 1842778129
Series: Scottsville, South Africa, 2006
The No-Nonsense Guide to Fair Trade book
Ransom, David
ISBN: 190445643X
Series: Oxford, 2006
One No, Many Yeses book
A Journey to the Heart of the Global Resistance Movement
Kingsnorth, Paul
ISBN: 0743220269
Series: London, 2003
The Other book
Kapuściński Ryszard
ISBN: 9781844673285
Series: London, 2008
Paved with Good Intentions book
Background to the GATT, Uruguay Round and WTO
Tandon Yash, Megan Allardice (ed.)
Series: Harare, 2004
Planning in a Global Era book
Thornley, Andy
ISBN: 0754619435
Series: Aldershot, 2002
The Political Economy of Africa book
Vishnu Padayachee (Editor)
Series: London and New York, 2010
The Power of Interdependence book
Lessons from Africa
David Oladipupo Kuranga
Series: 2012
The Proposed New Issues in the WTO and the Interests of Developing Countries book
Khor, Martin
ISBN: 9839747576
Series: Penang, 2001, TWN Trade & Development Series
Tea book
Addiction, Exploration and Empire
Moxham, Roy
ISBN: 1841199176
Series: London, 2004
Tobacco: A Global Threat book
Crofton, John, Simpson, David
ISBN: 0333670817
Series: London, 2002
Trade Policy, New Century book
The WTO, FTAs and Asia Rising
Razeen Sally
Series: London, 2008
Trading Away our Rights book
Women Working in Global Supply Chains
Coryndon, Anna ed.
ISBN: 0855985232
Series: Oxford, 2004
Unbinding Africa book
Making Globalisation Work For Good Governance
Griffith, Poebe (ed.)
ISBN: 1903558298
Series: London, 2003
Book of the month

Xoliswa Ndoyiya: Ukutya Kwasekhaya

Xoliswa Ndoyiya: Ukutya KwasekhayaTastes from Nelson Mandela’s kitchen

A collection of recipes by Nelson Mandela's personal chef, this book contains the food served to visiting heads of state, celebrities, politicians for more than 20 years. Featuring some of the favourite former South African president's favourite meals including samp and beans, farm chicken, tripe, this book also features paella, peri-peri chicken, prawn curry, and myriad of other delights. With simple, delicious and nourishing recipes, it will interest those who wish to prepare meals that are both elegant and healthy.More

New arrivals

New titles in our library 12/2016

Our library has aquired a number of new and interesting books. Here is the list of the latest titles.

  • Blood Brothers: The Fatal Friendship Between Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X by Randy Roberts and Johnny Smith
  • Fashion Cities Africa by Hannah Azieb Pool
  • Frantz Fanon: Toward a Revolutionary Humanismby Christopher Lee
  • Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  • Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty by Robinson, James A., Acemoglu, Daron
  • Shakespeare in Swahililand: Adventures With the Ever-Living Poet by Edward Wilson-Lee
  • A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present by Richard J. Reid
  • Authentically African: Arts and the Transnational Politics of Congolese Culture by Sarah Van Beurden
  • Children in Slavery through the Ages by by Gwyn CampbellSuzanne MiersJoseph C. Miller
  • Global Health in Africa: Historical Perspectives on Disease Control by Tamara Giles-Vernick
  • Rumba on the River: A History of the Popular Music of the Two Congos by Gary  Stewart
  • Women and Slavery, Vol. 1: Africa, the Indian Ocean World, and the Medieval North Atlantic by Gwyn Campbell
  • Women and Slavery, Vol. 2: The Modern Atlantic by Gwyn Campbell
  • Cahier d'un Retour Au Pays Natal by Aimé Cesaire
  • Healing Traditions: African Medicine, Cultural Exchange and Competition in South Africa, 1820-1948 by Karen Elizabeth  Flint
  • Global Education Policy and International Development: New Agendas, Issues and Policies by Antoni Verger
  • Black Skin, White Coats: Nigerian Psychiatrists, Decolonization, and the Globalization of Psychiatry by Matthew M. Heaton
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