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7. Gender Studies

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African Market Women book
Seven Life Stories from Ghana
Gracia Clark
ISBN: 9780253221544
Series: Bloomington, Indiana, 2010
African Women and Feminism book
Reflecting On The Politics Of Sisterhood
Oyěwumi Oyeronke (ed.)
ISBN: 0865436282
Series: Trenton NJ, 2003
African Women&ICTs book
Investing Technology, Gender and Empowerment
Buskens, Ineke
ISBN: 9781848131927
Series: London, 2009
African Women's Movements book
Changing Political Landscapes
Aili Mari Tripp, Isabel Casimiro, Joy Kwesiga, Alice Mungwa
Series: New York, 2009
African Women: A Modern History book
Coquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine
ISBN: 0813323614
Series: 1997, Social Change in Global Perspective
Ain´t I a Women book
Black Women and Feminism
Watkins, Gloria
ISBN: 0861043790
Series: London, 1982
Bananas Beaches & Bases book
Making Feminist Sense of International Politics
Enloe, Cynthia
ISBN: 0044403682
Series: London, 1989
Beyond the masks: race, gender, and subjectivity book
Mama, Amina
ISBN: 0415035430
Series: New York, 1995
Beyond victims and villains book
Addressing sexual violance in the education sector
Series: 2003
Black Women in Britain book
Harriott Jacqueline
Series: 1992
Black Women Taking Charge book
Profile of Black Women Enterpreneurs
Wanogho, Emete
ISBN: 095316070X
Series: London, 1997
Changing Times Changing Attitudes book
Alternative portrayal of men and women
Joerger, Cynthia (ed.)
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Paris, 2001
Consolidating the gains of African Women book
The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF)
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Accra, 2008
Decolonization and Feminisms in Global Teaching and Learning book
Sara de Jong
ISBN: 9780815355946
Series: Teaching with Gender
Enhancing African Trade Union's Capacity for Promoting Gender Equality: book
Focus on Poverty, Informal Economy and HIV/AIDS
Ann Amoah
ISBN: 0000000000
Series: 2003
Enterprising Women in Urban Zimbabwe: book
Gender, Microbusiness, and Globalization
Osirim , Mary Johnson
ISBN: 9780253353474
Series: Washington, D.C, 2009
La femme commerçante en Afrique et l'éducation des enfants : Le cas de la République Démocratique du Congo book
Charlotte Mwamini Nafisa
ISBN: 9782296074583
Series: Paris, 2009
Framework Gender book
Images of Gender and Development in Peru, Nepal and Botswana
ISBN: 9062249701
Series: The Hague, 1996
Frauen in Politik und Gesellschaft book
Series: 2013, KAS Auslandsinformationen
Free at last / History of the civil rights movement and those who died in the struggle book
Sara Bullard
Series: 1993
Gender & Genocide in Burundi book
The Search for Spaces of Peace in the Great Lakes Region
Daley, Patricia O.
ISBN: 9781847013064
Series: Oxford, 2008
The Gender of Globalization book
Women Navigating Cultural and Economic Marginalities
Gunewardena Nandini
ISBN: 9781847012036
Series: Oxford, 2007, School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Seri
The Gender of Globalization book
Women Navigating Cultural and Economic Marginalities
Gunewardena Nandini
ISBN: 9781847012036
Series: Oxford, 2007, School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Seri
Gender, Development and Humanitarian Work book
Sweetman, Caroline (ed.)
ISBN: 0855984570
Series: Oxford, 2001
Girls' Nubility Rites in Ashanti book
Sarpong, Peter
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Tema, 1977
Glancing Fires book
An Investigation into Women's Creativity
Saunders, Lesley (ed.)
ISBN: 0704340615
Series: London, 1987
Human Rights of Women book
International Instruments and African Experiments
Benedek, Wolfgang (ed.)
ISBN: 1842770454
Series: London, 2002
I laugh So I Won't Cry book
Kenya's women tell the story of their lives
Halperin, Helena
ISBN: 1592213049
Series: Trenton, N.J, 2005
Intersecting Places Emancipatory Spaces book
Women Journalists in Tanzania
Robins, Melinda
ISBN: 0865437610
Series: Trenton, N.J, 2001
Liberian Women Peacemakers book
Fighting for the Right to be Seen, Heard, and Counted
American Women and Peace Support Group
ISBN: 1592212522
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2004
Masculinities in contemporary Africa book
La masculinté en Afrique contemporaine
edited by Egodi Uchendu
ISBN: 9782869782273
Series: Dakar, Senegal, 2008
Muslim Women Sing: Hausa popular song book
Hausa popular song
Beverly, B. Mack
ISBN: 0253345049
Series: Bloomington, 2004
Non-Traditional Occupations, Empowerment and Women book
A Case of Togolese Women
Ayélé Léa Adubra
Series: London and New York, 2005, African Studies-History,Politics,Economics,andCult
The People You Live With book
Vijfhuizen, Carin
ISBN: 1779220146
Series: Harare, 2002
Practising Gender Equality in Education book
Aikman, Sheila
ISBN: 9780855985981
Series: Oxford, 2007
Report on the African Women´s Development Fund (AWDF) book
Monitoring and Evaluating Workshop for Women´s Rights Organization in Africa
The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF)
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Accra, 2007
Significant Moments in the History of Egyptian Women book
Elsadda Hoda, Abu-Ghazi Emad
ISBN: 9776051006
Series: Cairo, 2001
Sisters in the Struggle book
African American Women in the Civil Rights-Black Power Movement
Collier-Thomas, Bettye
ISBN: 0814716032
Series: New York, 2001
Stolen Women book
Reclaiming our Sexuality, Taking Back our Lives
Wyatt, Gail Elizabeth
ISBN: 0471124508
Series: New York, 1997
Tears of Hope book
A Collection of Short Stories by Ugandan Rural Women
Wangusa, Anne Ayeta
ISBN: 9970700022
Series: Kampala, 2003
Trading Away our Rights book
Women Working in Global Supply Chains
Coryndon, Anna ed.
ISBN: 0855985232
Series: Oxford, 2004
A Tragedy of Lives book
Women in Prison in Zimbabwe
Musengezi,Staunton (eds.)
ISBN: 1779220170
Series: Harare, 2003
We Only Come Here to Struggle book
Berida Ndambuki & Claire C. Robertson
ISBN: 0253213665
Series: Bloomington, 2000
What Women Do in Wartime book
Turshen, Meredeth
ISBN: 1856495388
Series: London, 1998
Women after War book
Gender Mainstreaming and the Social Construction of Identity in Contemporary Sierra Leone
Schroven, Anita
ISBN: 9783825896270
Series: Berlin, 2006, Berlin Series on Society, Economy and Politics in
Women and Autonomy in Kenya book
Policy and Legal Framework
Kibwana, Kivutha (ed.)
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Nairobi, 1995
Women and Islamic Revival in a West African Town book
Masquelier, Adeline
ISBN: 9780253215130
Series: Bloomington, Indiana, 2009
Women and Law in West Africa book
Situational analysis of some key issues affecting women
Kuenyehia, Akua (ed.)
ISBN: 9988787405
Series: Legon, 1998
Women in Armed Opposition Groups in Africa and the Promotion of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights book
Report of a workshop organized in Addis Ababa by Geneva Call (...) 2005
Dyan Mazurana
Series: Geneva
Women, Work & Domestic Virtue in Uganda, 1900-2003 book
Kyomuhendo, Grace Bantebya
ISBN: 0852559879
Series: Oxford, 2006
Book of the month

Xoliswa Ndoyiya: Ukutya Kwasekhaya

Xoliswa Ndoyiya: Ukutya KwasekhayaTastes from Nelson Mandela’s kitchen

A collection of recipes by Nelson Mandela's personal chef, this book contains the food served to visiting heads of state, celebrities, politicians for more than 20 years. Featuring some of the favourite former South African president's favourite meals including samp and beans, farm chicken, tripe, this book also features paella, peri-peri chicken, prawn curry, and myriad of other delights. With simple, delicious and nourishing recipes, it will interest those who wish to prepare meals that are both elegant and healthy.More

New arrivals

New titles in our library 12/2016

Our library has aquired a number of new and interesting books. Here is the list of the latest titles.

  • Blood Brothers: The Fatal Friendship Between Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X by Randy Roberts and Johnny Smith
  • Fashion Cities Africa by Hannah Azieb Pool
  • Frantz Fanon: Toward a Revolutionary Humanismby Christopher Lee
  • Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  • Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty by Robinson, James A., Acemoglu, Daron
  • Shakespeare in Swahililand: Adventures With the Ever-Living Poet by Edward Wilson-Lee
  • A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present by Richard J. Reid
  • Authentically African: Arts and the Transnational Politics of Congolese Culture by Sarah Van Beurden
  • Children in Slavery through the Ages by by Gwyn CampbellSuzanne MiersJoseph C. Miller
  • Global Health in Africa: Historical Perspectives on Disease Control by Tamara Giles-Vernick
  • Rumba on the River: A History of the Popular Music of the Two Congos by Gary  Stewart
  • Women and Slavery, Vol. 1: Africa, the Indian Ocean World, and the Medieval North Atlantic by Gwyn Campbell
  • Women and Slavery, Vol. 2: The Modern Atlantic by Gwyn Campbell
  • Cahier d'un Retour Au Pays Natal by Aimé Cesaire
  • Healing Traditions: African Medicine, Cultural Exchange and Competition in South Africa, 1820-1948 by Karen Elizabeth  Flint
  • Global Education Policy and International Development: New Agendas, Issues and Policies by Antoni Verger
  • Black Skin, White Coats: Nigerian Psychiatrists, Decolonization, and the Globalization of Psychiatry by Matthew M. Heaton
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