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- Agenda pro českou zahraniční politiku 2010 book
- Agenda for Czech Foreign Policy
ISBN: 9788087092132
Series: Prague, 2010 - Aid to Africa book
- Redeemer or Coloniser?
ISBN: 9781906387389
Series: Nairobi, 2009 - Amulets & Dreams book
- war, youth and change in africa
ISBN: 1868882306
Series: Pretoria, 2002 - Demobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa book
- The Development and Security Impacts
ISBN: 0333789865
Series: London, 2000 - Makers & Breakers book
- Children & Youth in Postcolonial Africa
ISBN: 0852554346
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2005 - Migrations de travail et insécurités humaines Afrique occidentale – Europe book
ISBN: 9782296091382
Series: Paris, 2009- Perceptions - Journal of International Affairs book
Series: Ankara, 2007, Volume XII- Perceptions - Journal of International Affairs book
Series: Ankara, 2008, Volume XII- Perceptions - Journal of International Affairs book
Series: Ankara, 2009, Volume XIV- The Political Economy of Africa book
Series: London and New York, 2010- Towards Sustainable Peace book
- Reflections on Preventive Diplomacy in Africa: Reflections on Preventive Diplomacy in Africa
ISBN: 0798301678
Series: Pretoria, 2003 - The World We Want to Live In book
- 14th Annual Forum 2000 Conference
ISBN: 9788090472419
Series: Prague, 2010