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- Critical Indigenous African Education and Knowledge article
Source: The Journal of Pan African Studies
Series: 2006-03-- Development without Freedom: How Aid Underwrites Repression in Ethiopia article
- Source: Human Rights Watch
Series: 2010-10-19 - Education in The Middle East and North Africa article
- The Current Situation and Furture Challenges
Source: International Education Journal
Series: 2004 - Marching to different rhythms: international NGO collaboration with the state in Tanzania article
Source: OXFAM
Series: 2010-06-- Memories of paradise’ – Legacies of socialist education in Mozambique article
Source: African Affairs
Series: 2010-06-- Off the Backs of the Children: Forced Begging and Other Abuses against Talibés in Senegal article
- Source: Human Rights Watch
Series: 2010-04-15 - Primary Education in Uganda article
Source: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Series: 2008-04-- School farming and school feeding in Nakuru town, Kenya : practice and potential article
Source: Afrika-Studiecentrum, Leiden
Series: 2007-01-01- The Causes of Educational Differences in Fertility in Subsaharan Africa article
- Příčiny edukativních rozdílů v plodnosti v subsaharské Africe.
Source: The Population Council
Series: 2010 - The dysfunctional and discriminatory nature of our educational system article
Source: Ghanaweb
Series: 2010-04-24- The Hungry Teacher article
Source: Ghanaweb
Series: 2010-05-09- The Linguistic Situation in Botswana and the Achievement of Millenium Develepment Goals article
Source: The African Symposium: An On-line African Educational Research Journal
Series: 2009-12-- Why and how Africa should invest in African languages and multilingual education article
- An evidence- and practice-based policy advocacy brief
Source: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), Germany and the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), Tunisia
Series: 2010