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5.2. Economics
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- 23 Things They Don´t Tell You About Capitalism book
Series: London, 2011- Adjusting Privatization book
- Case studies from Developing Countries
ISBN: 0852551339
Series: London, 1992 - Africa and the Common Market book
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: London, 1967- Africa Rising book
- How 900 Million African Consumers Offer More Than You Think
Series: New Jersey, 2011 - Africa's Greatest Entrepreneurs book
ISBN: 9780143024309
Series: Johannesburg, 2008- Africa's Odious Debts book
- How Foreign Loans and Capital Flight Bled a Continent
Series: London, 2011 - Africa´s Informal Workers book
- Collective Agency, Alliances and Transnational Organizing in Urban Africa
ISBN: 9781848134515
Series: London, 2010 - Africký (mikro) regionalismus - Jihoafrická zkušenost book
Series: Brno/Plzeň, 2013- Afrique centrale book
- crises économiques et mécanismes de survie
ISBN: 2869781547
Series: Dakar, 2005 - An Opportunistic Ally: China's Increasing Involvement in Africa article
Source: Harvard International Review
Series: 2007- An Uncertain Future article
- Oil Contracts and Stalled Reform in São Tomé e Príncipe
Source: Human Rights Watch
Series: 2010 - Angola: Anatomy of an Oil State book
ISBN: 0253214661
Series: Indianapolis, 2004- Back on Track book
- Sector-led Growth in Africa and Implications for Development
ISBN: 1592217095
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2010 - Beyond Survival book
- The economic challenges of agriculture & development in post-independence Eritrea
ISBN: 1569020310
Series: Lawrenceville, NJ, 1996 - Biofuels, Land Grabbing and Food Security in Africa book
Series: London, 2011- The Birth of Plenty book
- How the prosperity of the modern world was created
ISBN: 0071421920
Series: New York, 2004 - Building Social Business book
- The New Kind of Capitalism That Serves Humanity's Most Pressing Needs
ISBN: 9781586488246
Series: New York, 2010 - Changing Youth Dynamics in Lusaka's Informal Economy in the Context of Economic Liberation article
Source: African Studies Quartely
Series: 2010- China safari book
- on the trail of China's expansion in Africa
ISBN: 9781568584263
Series: New York, 2009 - Coffee Markets in East Africa: Local Responses to Global Challenges or Global Responses to Local Challenges? article
Source: Centre for Development Research
Series: 2001- Confessions of an Economic Hit Man book
ISBN: 1576753018
Series: San Francisco, 2004- Does Africa need fair trade? article
Source: Royal African Society
Series: 2011- Economic Development book
ISBN: 9781292002972
Series: 2015- Economic Development in Africa: From Adjustment to Poverty Reduction book
ISBN: 9211125677
Series: Geneva, 2002- Economic Development in Africa: rethinking the role of foreign direct investment book
- Rethinking the role of foreign direct investment
ISBN: 9211126711
Series: Geneva, 2005 - Economic Reforms in Ghana book
- The Miracle & The Mirage
ISBN: 0852551649
Series: Oxford, 2000 - Emerging Africa book
- How 17 Countries are Leading the Way
ISBN: 9781933286518
Series: Baltimore, MD, 2010 - Fair Trade and Social Justice book
- Global Entographies
ISBN: 9780814796214
Series: New York, 2010 - Fairtrade not the whole answer for chocolate nations article
Source: Royal African Society
Series: 2011- Fighting the Banana Wars and Other Fairtrade Battles book
- How We Took on the Corporate Giants to Change the World
ISBN: 9781846040832
Series: Chatham, 2008 - Food Insecurity and the Social Division of Labour in Tanzania, 1919-85 book
ISBN: 0333519388
Series: London, 1990- The Free Trade Adventure book
- The WTO, the Uruguay Round and Globalism-A Critique
ISBN: 1856497690
Series: London, 2001 - Global Education Policy and International Development: New Agendas, Issues and Policies book
ISBN: 9781441143907
Series: 2012- Gold mining and corporate social responsibility in the Wassa West district, Ghana article
Source: OXFAM
Series: 2010- How Rich Countries Got Rich...and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor book
ISBN: 9781845298746
Series: London, 2010- Hungry for Trade book
- How the Poor Pay for Free Trade
ISBN: 1856498654
Series: London, 2000 - Identity Economics book
- Social Networks & The Informal Economy in Nigeria
Series: Suffolk, 2010, African issues - Illicit financial flows from Africa article
- Hidden Resource for Development
Source: Global Financial Integrity (GFI)
Series: 2010 - Illusions of power book
- Nigeria in transition
ISBN: 0865436428
Series: Trenton, NJ, 1998 - Is the Brain Drain Good for Africa? article
Source: Ney York University
Series: 2005- Labor and Democracy in Namibia, 1971_1996 book
ISBN: 0852557523
Series: 1998- Looting Africa book
- the economics of exploitation
ISBN: 1842778129
Series: Scottsville, South Africa, 2006 - The Market Tells Them So book
- The World Bank and Economic Fundamentalism in Africa
ISBN: 1856493288
Series: London, 1995 - Marketing Management and Strategy - An African Casebook book
Series: London and New York, 2013- Markets, Civil Society and Democracy in Kenya book
ISBN: 9171063714
Series: Uppsala, 1995- Měnící se tvář Afriky book
ISBN: 9788087956045
Series: Praha, 2014- Mining and Structural Adjustment book
- Studies on Zimbabwe and Tanzania
ISBN: 9171063404
Series: Uppsala, 1993 - Namibia and Angola: Trade Assessment book
ISBN: 0010269223
Series: Windhoek, Namibia, 2004- The New World Order book
ISBN: 0961413514
Series: Tucson, 1990- Občanská odpovědnost ve světle globální chudoby book
ISBN: 9788026003526
Series: Praha, 2011- The Political Economy of Africa book
Series: London and New York, 2010- The Politics of Global Debt book
ISBN: 0333523628
Series: New York, 1993, International Political Economy Series- The Proposed New Issues in the WTO and the Interests of Developing Countries book
ISBN: 9839747576
Series: Penang, 2001, TWN Trade & Development Series- The Rentier State in Africa book
- Oil Rent Dependency and Neocolonialism in the Republic of Gabon
ISBN: 0865435200
Series: Trenton, NJ, 1996 - Research on the Impact of Fair Trade per September 2010 article
Source: European Fair Trade Association
Series: 2010- The Return of the Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 book
ISBN: 9781846142390
Series: London, 2008- The Rise of China and India in Africa book
- Challenes, opportunities and critical interventions
ISBN: 9781848134379
Series: London, 2010 - Ropné zásoby v subsaharské Africe a jejich vliv na utváření světové politiky book
ISBN: 9788073998707
Series: Brno, 2009- Small is Beautiful book
- Economics as if People Mattered
ISBN: 0060803525 - Subsaharská Afrika a světové mocnosti v éře globalizace book
ISBN: 9788074220210
Series: Prague, 2010- The Politics of Conflict over Oil in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria article
- A Review of the Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies of the Oil Companies
Source: Science and Education publishing (SciEP)
Series: 2015 - Third World Options book
- Power, Security and the Hope for Another Development
ISBN: 997610166X
Series: Dar Es Salaam, 1992 - Thirst for African Oil: Asian National Oil Companies in Nigeria and Angola article
Source: Chatham House
Series: 2009- Thriving on Chaos book
ISBN: 0330305913
Series: London, 1988- Transatlantické obchodní a investiční partnerství book
ISBN: 9788087661215
Series: 2015- Uganda's Recovery book
- The Role of Farms, Firms and Government
ISBN: 0821346644
Series: Washington, DC, 2001 - Unity or Poverty book
- The Economics of Pan-Africanism
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: London, 1968 - Why Doesn´t Microfinance Work? book
- The Destructive Rise of Local Neoliberalism
ISBN: 9781848133310
Series: London, 2010 - Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty book
ISBN: 9781846684302
Series: 2013