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- Africa's Eastern Promise article
- What the West Can Learn From Chinese Investment in Africa
Source: Foreign Affairs
Series: 2010-01-05 - African Perspectives on China in Africa book
ISBN: 9780954563738
Series: Oxford, 2007- African Shenzhen:China’s special economic zones in Africa article
Source: Journal of Modern African Studies
Series: 2011-01-- Africa´s Informal Workers book
- Collective Agency, Alliances and Transnational Organizing in Urban Africa
ISBN: 9781848134515
Series: London, 2010 - Aid to Africa book
- Redeemer or Coloniser?
ISBN: 9781906387389
Series: Nairobi, 2009 - An Opportunistic Ally: China's Increasing Involvement in Africa article
Source: Harvard International Review
Series: 2007-08-05- Beyond ‘Dragon in the Bush’: Tthe Study of China–Arrica Relations article
Source: African Affairs
Series: 2008- China in Africa book
ISBN: 9781842778647
Series: London, 2007- China into Africa book
- Trade, aid, and influence.
ISBN: 9780815775614
Series: Washington, D.C, 2008 - China safari book
- on the trail of China's expansion in Africa
ISBN: 9781568584263
Series: New York, 2009 - Development Aid for Infrastructure Investment in Africa: article
- Malian Relations with China, the European Commission and the World Bank
Source: South African Institute of Internatinal Affairs. African Perspectives. Global Insights
Series: 2010-04- - The Dragon´s Gift book
- The Real Story of China in Africa
ISBN: 9780199606290 - The Rise of China and India in Africa book
- Challenes, opportunities and critical interventions
ISBN: 9781848134379
Series: London, 2010 - South Africa and China: the agricultural and fisheries trading ralationship article
Source: tralac Working Paper No 2.
Series: 2008- Subsaharská Afrika a světové mocnosti v éře globalizace book
ISBN: 9788074220210
Series: Prague, 2010- Sudan Looks East book
- China, India and the politics of Asian alternatives
Series: Suffolk, 2011, African Issues - The Chinese Stance on the Darfur Conflict article
Source: South African Institute of Internatinal Affairs. African Perspectives. Global Insights
Series: 2010-09-- Thirst for African Oil: Asian National Oil Companies in Nigeria and Angola article
Source: Chatham House
Series: 2009-08-- Will Africa feed China? book
ISBN: 9780199396856
Series: New Youk, 2016- ‘Big Think’, Disjointed Incrementalism: Chinese Economic Success and Policy Lessons for Africa, or the Case for Pan-Africanism article
Source: African Journal of International Affairs
Series: 2008