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23 Things They Don´t Tell You About Capitalism book
Ha-Joon Chang
Series: London, 2011
Abolishing School Fees in Africa book
Lessons from Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Mozambique
Series: Washington DC
Adapting Cities to Climate Change book
Understanding and Addressing the Development Challenges
Bicknell, Jane
ISBN: 9781844077465
Series: London, 2010
Africa & Development Challanges in the New Millennium book
The Nepad Debate
Graham, Yao
ISBN: 1842775952
Series: London, 2006
Africa Development book
New Public Sector Management Approaches in Africa
Olowu, Dele ed.
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Dakar, 2002
Africa Development (1/2004) book
Special Issue on Philosophy and Development
Keita, Lansana (ed.)
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Dakar, 2004, XXIX
Africa Development (2/2004) book
Adebowale, Sulaiman (ed.)
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Dakar, 2004
Africa Development (3-4/2003) book
Adebowale, Sulaiman (ed.)
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Dakar, 2004
Africa Development (4/1994) book
Education and Development in sub-Saharan Africa
Tabsoba, Sibry (ed.)
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Dakar, 2004
Africa in the New Millenium book
Maloka ,Eddy,
ISBN: 0798301457
Series: Pretoria, 2001
Africa Unchained book
The Blueprint for Africa's Future
Ayittey, George B.N.
ISBN: 9781403973863
Series: New York, 2005
Africa Yearbook 5 book
Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2008
Mehler, Andreas
ISBN: 9789004178113
Series: Leiden, 2008
Africa's Development Thinking Since Independence book
A Reader
Africa Institute of South Africa
ISBN: 0798301600
Series: Pretoria, 2002
Africa's Freedom Railway book
How a Chinese Development Project Changed Lives and Livelihoods in Tanzania
Jamie Monson
Series: Bloomington & Indianapolis, 2009
African Childhoods book
Education, Development, Peacebuilding, and the Youngest Continent
Marisa O. Ensor (Editor)
Series: New York, 2012
African Development book
Making Sense of the Issues and Actors
Todd J. Moss
Series: Boulder and London, 2011
The African Development Bank book
Peprah, Ignatius K.N.E.
ISBN: 0969891601
Series: Ottawa, 1994
African E-Markets book
Information and Economic Development
Aida Opoku-Mensah & M.A. Mohamed Salih (Editors)
Series: Addis Ababa, Kopenhagen, Untrecht, 2007
African Foragers book
Environment, Technology, Interactions
Kusimba, Barut Sibel
ISBN: 075910154X
Series: Walnut Creek, 2003
African intellectuals book
Rethinking politics, language, gender, and development
Mkandawire, Thandika
ISBN: 1842776215
Series: New York, 2005
African Perspectives on China in Africa book
Firoze Manji, Stephen Marks
ISBN: 9780954563738
Series: Oxford, 2007
African Poverty at the Millennium book
Causes, Complexities, and Challenges
White, Howard
ISBN: 0821348671
Series: Washington, D.C, 2001
Africký (mikro) regionalismus - Jihoafrická zkušenost book
Linda Piknerová
Series: Brno/Plzeň, 2013
Aid for Development book
A Political and Economic Study
Arnold, H.J.P.
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: London, 1966, Background Books
Aid on the Edge of Chaos book
Rethinking International Cooperation in a Complex World
Ramalingam, Ben
ISBN: 9780198728245
Series: 2015
Aid to Africa book
Redeemer or Coloniser?
Hakima Abbas
ISBN: 9781906387389
Series: Nairobi, 2009
Angola: Anatomy of an Oil State book
Hodges, Tony
ISBN: 0253214661
Series: Indianapolis, 2004
The anthropology of development and globalization book
from classical political economy to contemporary neoliberalism
edited by Marc Edelman and Angelique Haugerud
ISBN: 0631228799
Series: Malden, MA, 2004, Blackwell anthologies in social and cultural anthr
The Anti-Politics Machine book
"Development," Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho
James Ferguson
ISBN: 9780816624379
Series: Minneapolis, 2009
Artisans and Fair Trade book
Crafting Development
Mary A. Littrell and Marsha A. Dickson
ISBN: 9781565493216
Series: Sterling, VA, 2010
Assessment of Village Level Sugar Processing Technology in Tanzania book
A.S. Chungu, C.Z.M. Kimambo, T.A.L. Bali
Series: 2001, Reserch on Poverty Allevation REPOA No. 01.4
Bewitching Development: Witchcraft and the Reinvention of Development in Neoliberal Kenya book
Smith, James Howard
ISBN: 9780022676458
Series: Chicago, 2008, Chicago Studies in Practices of Meaning
Beyond De-mining book
Capacity Building & Socio-economic Consequences
Elliot, Gareth ed.
ISBN: 1919810218
Series: Johannesburg, 2000
Beyond Structural Adjustment book
The Institutional Context of African Development
van de Walle, Nicolas
ISBN: 1403963177
Series: New York, 2003
Beyond Survival book
The economic challenges of agriculture & development in post-independence Eritrea
Gebremedhin, Tesfa G.
ISBN: 1569020310
Series: Lawrenceville, NJ, 1996
Beyond the Primary Commodity Trap book
Essays on Politics and Poverty in Africa
Uchendu Egbezor
Series: London, 2009
The Birth of Plenty book
How the prosperity of the modern world was created
Bernstein, William J.
ISBN: 0071421920
Series: New York, 2004
The Blue Sweater book
Bridging the Gap between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World
Novogratz, Jacqeline
ISBN: 9781594869150
Series: New York, 2009
The Bottom Billion book
Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It
Collier, Paul
ISBN: 9780195374636
Series: Oxford, 2008
Břímě bílého muže book
Proč pomoc Západu třetímu světu selhává?
William Easterly
Series: Praha, 2010
Building Peace and Development book
Annual Report on the Work of the Organization 1994
Boutros-Ghali Boutros
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: New York, 1994
Building Social Business book
The New Kind of Capitalism That Serves Humanity's Most Pressing Needs
Muhammad Yunus
ISBN: 9781586488246
Series: New York, 2010
Capacity Building for a Reforming African Power Sector book
Teferra, Mengistu ed.
ISBN: 1842772384
Series: London, 2002
Central Africa book
Crises, Reform and Reconstruction
Fomin, E.S.D
ISBN: 2869781512
Series: Dakar, 2005
The Challenge for Africa book
A new vision
Wangari Maathai
ISBN: 9780434019816
Series: London, 2009
The Challenge for Africa book
Wangari Maathai
ISBN: 9780099539032
Series: London, 2010
The Charity of Nations book
Humanitarian Action in a Calculating World
Smillie, Ian
ISBN: 1565491904
Series: Bloomfield, 2004
China in Africa book
Alden, Chris
ISBN: 9781842778647
Series: London, 2007
Civil society and the search for development alternatives in Cameroon book
edited by Emmanuel Yenshu Vubo
ISBN: 9782869782204
Series: Dakar, 2008
Climate Change, Trade and Modes of Production in Sub-Saharan Africa book
Studies in the African Past-3
Chami, Felix (ed.)
Series: Dar Es Salaam, 2003
Coca-Colonizace. O nadnárodních společnostech (nejen) v rozvojových zemích book
Kristýna Kalendová
ISBN: 0000000000
Series: Brno, 2008, Svět v nákupním košíku
The Coffee Paradox book
Global Markets, Commodity Trade and the Elusive Promise of Development
Benoit Daviron and Stefano Ponte
ISBN: 1842774573
Series: London, 2005
Composing a New Song book
Stories of Empowerment from Africa
Chigudu, Hope (ed.)
ISBN: 1779220154
Series: London, 2004
Conflict Resolution, Identity Crisis and Development in Africa book
Bassey, Celestine
ISBN: 9789780232191
Series: Lagos, 2007
Confronting New Challenges book
Annual Report on the Work of the Organization 1995
Boutros-Ghali Boutros
ISBN: 9211005957
Series: New York, 1995
Conservation and Poverty: The Case of Amani Nature Reserve book
George Jambiya, Hussein Sosovele
Series: 2001, Reserch on Poverty Allevation REPOA No. 00.5
Consolidating the gains of African Women book
The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF)
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Accra, 2008
Contested Terrain book
Essays on Oromo Studies, Ethiopianist Discourse, and Politically Engaged Scholarship
Ezekiel Gebissa (Editor)
Series: Trenton - Asmara, 2009
Cooperation South book
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Washington, DC, 2000
Corporate Responsibility and Labour Rights book
Codes of conduct in the global economy
Jenkins, Rhys (ed.)Ruth Pearson and Gill Seyfang
ISBN: 1853839310
Series: London, 2002
La Côte d'Ivoire face a son destin : Et si l'Afrique était Gbagbo book
Claude Koudou
ISBN: 9782296132689
Series: Paris, 2010, Afrique liberté
CSO Development Effectiveness - Searching New Ways book
ISBN: 9788090439511
Series: Praha, 2009
Cultivating Success in Uganda book
Kigezi farmers & colonial policies
Grace Carswell
ISBN: 9781847016010
Series: Oxford, 2007, Eastern African Studies
Current African Issues book
Demography and the development potential of sub-Saharan Africa
Malmberg, Bo
ISBN: 9789171066213
Series: Uppsala, 2008
Dar es Salaam book
Histories from an Emerging African Metropolis
Brennan James R
ISBN: 9789987449705
Series: Dar es Salaam, 2007
The Debt Trap in Nigeria book
Towards a Sustainable Debt Strategy
Okonjo-Iweala, NgoziCharles C. Soludo, Mansur Muhtar
ISBN: 1592210015
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2003
Demobilization in Sub-Saharan Africa book
The Development and Security Impacts
Kingma, Kees (ed.)
ISBN: 0333789865
Series: London, 2000
Demographic Factors, Household Composition, Employment and Household Welfare book
S.T. Mwisomba, B.H.R. Kiilu
Series: 2002, Reserch on Poverty Allevation REPOA No. 01.5
Developing Adult Literacy book
Approaches to Planning, Implementing and Delivering Literacy Initiatives
Mc Caffery Juliet, Merrifield J., Mallican J.
ISBN: 9780855985967
Series: Oxford, 2007
Development as Modernity, Modernity as Development book
Siyabonga Lushaba, Lwazi
ISBN: 9782869782525
Series: Dakar, 2009
Development Dialogue book
A Journal of International Development Cooperation
Dag Hammarskjold Centre
Series: Uppsala, 2002
Development Dialogue book
DAG Hammarskjöld Centre
Series: Uppsala, 2008, No 50, December 2008
Development Dialogue book
DAG Hammarskjöld Centre
Series: Uppsala, 2009, No 51, January 2009
The Development Economics Reader book
Secondi, Giorgio
ISBN: 9780415771573
Series: 2008
Development: Making It Happen - DFID Annual Report 2008 book
DFID (Department for International Development)
Series: London
Diář La Ngonpo, aneb S kým jsme se v Modrém průsmyku setkali book
Multikulturní centrum Praha MKC
Series: Praha, 2012
Economic Challenges and Policy Issues in Early Twenty-First-Century Sierra Leone book
Omotunde E. G. Johnson (Editor)
Series: London, 2012
Economic Development in Africa: From Adjustment to Poverty Reduction book
United Nations
ISBN: 9211125677
Series: Geneva, 2002
Economic Policy and Rural Poverty in Tanzania:A Survey of Three Regions book
Longinus Rutasitara
Series: 2002, Reserch on Poverty Allevation REPOA No. 02.1
Economics of Development book
Perkins, Dwight H.
ISBN: 9780393114959
Series: 2012
The Economy of Ghana book
Analytical Perspectives on Stability, Growth & Poverty
Ernest Aryeetey & Ravi Kanbur (Editors)
Series: Suffolk/ Accra New Town, 2008
Efektivnost rozvoje - hledání nových cest book
ISBN: 9788090439504
Series: Praha, 2009
The End of Poverty book
Economic Possibilities from our Time
Sachs, Jeffrey D.
ISBN: 1594200459
Series: New York, 2005
The End of Poverty book
Sachs, Jeffrey D.
ISBN: 9780141018669
Series: London, 2005
Ending Global Poverty book
A Guide to What Works
Smith, Stephen C.
ISBN: 140396534X
Series: New York, 2005
Entwicklungspolitik book
Kaiser Martin, Wagner Norbert
Series: 1991
Environmental Economics, Policy and International Relations book
9th seminar of postgraduate students, young scientists and researchers
Šauer, Petr
ISBN: 9788086709116
Series: Prague, 2007
Environmental Fiscal Reform for Poverty Reduction book
ISBN: 9264008683
Series: France, 2005, DAC Guidelines and Reference Series
Environmental Fiscal Reform for Susutainable Development and Poverty Reduction: Workshop Proceedings and Country Case Studies book
Workshop Proceedings and Country Case Studies
Series: Germany, 2004
Ethiopia - Breaking New Ground book
Parker Ben with Abraham Woldegiorgis
ISBN: 0855984848
Series: Oxford, 1995, Oxfam Country Profile
The EU and Africa book
From Eurafrique to Afro-Europa
Adekeye Adebajo and Kaye Whiteman (Editors)
Series: London, 2012
Evidence for Hope: The search for sustainable development book
The story of the International Institute for Environment and Development
Cross, Nigel
ISBN: 1853838551
Series: London, 2003
The Experience of Economic Redistribution book
The Growth, Employment and Redistribution Strategy in South Africa
Clarence Thsitereke
Series: London and New York, 2012, African Studies-History,Politics,Economics,andCult
The Failure of the United Nations Development Programs for Africa book
Ratsimbaharison, Adrien M.
ISBN: 0761826688
Series: Lanham, Md, 2003
Fair trade book
market-driven ethical consumption
Alex Nicholls and Charlotte Opal
ISBN: 1412901049
Series: London, 2005
Fotbal pro rozvoj book
Metodická příručka globálního rozvojového vzdělávání nejen pro učitele na středních školách
Mirka Belhová, Bella Bello Bitugu, Lucie Juříková, Veronika Semelková
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Prague, 2011
Front Line Africa, The Right to a Future book
Smith, Susanna
ISBN: 0855981040
Series: Oxford, 1990
A Future for Africa book
Beyond the Politics of Adjustment
Onimode, Bade
ISBN: 185383100X
Series: London, 1992
The Future of Nigeria book
Ukaegbu, Fabiane N
ISBN: 1858460409
Series: London, 1994
Gabon book
The Development of a Nation
Aicardi de Saint-Paul, Marc
ISBN: 0415039061
Series: London, 1989
Gender, Development and Humanitarian Work book
Sweetman, Caroline (ed.)
ISBN: 0855984570
Series: Oxford, 2001
Gender, Sport and Developmen in Africa book
Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Patterns of Representations and Marginalization
Shehu, Jimoh
ISBN: 9782869783065
Series: Dakar, 2010
Ghana - Vision 2020 book
The first step:1996-2000
Rawlings, Jerry John
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Accra, 1995
Ghana Positive Change 2002 ... book
... Developing Our Communities
Give and Take book
What's the Matter with Foreign Aid?
David Sogge
ISBN: 1842770691
Series: New York, 2002
Global Civil Society- More or Less Democracy? book
Development Dialogue
Michal Lofgren & Hakan Thorn
ISBN: 9789185214495
Series: Uddevalla, 2007
Global Education Policy and International Development: New Agendas, Issues and Policies book
Verger, Antoni
ISBN: 9781441143907
Series: 2012
Global Restructuring and Land Rights in Ghana (Forest Food Chains, Timber and Rural Livelihoods) / Research Report No. 108 book
Amanor Sebastian Kojo
Series: 1999
Global Warming book
Who is taking the heat?
Foley, Gerald
ISBN: 1870670221
Series: London, 1991
Globální problémy a rozvojová spolupráce book
Exnerová, Věra
ISBN: 9788086961552
Series: Praha, Program zahraniční rozvojové spolupráce ČR
Going Public book
How Africa's integration can work for the poor
Jeggan C. Senghor
Series: London, 2009
Here in the city there is nothing left over for lending a hand book
Robson, Paul
ISBN: 0968878628
Series: Ottawa, 2001
Historical Archaeology in Nigeria book
Wesler, Kit W. ed.
ISBN: 086543610X
Series: Trenton NJ, 1998
The History of Development: From Western Origins to Global Faith book
Rist, Gilbert
ISBN: 9781848131897
Series: London, 2008
Human Development Report 2004 - Cultural Liberty in Today's Diverse World book
ISBN: 019522146X
Series: New York, 2004
Humanitarian assistance: improving U.S.-European cooperation book
Streets, Julia
ISBN: 0980187184
Series: Berlin, 2009
Hungry for Trade book
How the Poor Pay for Free Trade
Madeley, John
ISBN: 1856498654
Series: London, 2000
Identity Economics book
Social Networks & The Informal Economy in Nigeria
Kate Meagher
Series: Suffolk, 2010, African issues
Improving Farm Management Skills for Poverty Alleviation:The Case of Njombe District book
A.C. Isinika, N.S.Y. Mdoe
Series: 2001, Reserch on Poverty Allevation REPOA No. 01.1
In Larger Freedom book
Towards Development, Security and Human Rights For All
Kofi A. Annan
Series: New York, 2005
Innovation Systems Emergence to Take-off: What Prospects for Innovation-driven Development in the South? book
Abdelkader Djeflat (Editor) - African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation & Development
Series: London - Abuja, 2011, Volume 3, Number 2
Intellectual Property and Development book
Lessons from Recent Economic Research
Fink, Carsten
ISBN: 0821357727
Series: Washington, DC, 2005
Jak Česká republika snižuje globální chudobu book
Stínová zpráva o zahraniční rozvojové spolupráci - retrospektiva pěti let
Blanka Šimůnková
ISBN: 9788090439559
Series: Prague, 2010
Kdo je za vodou? Voda jako podmínka rozvoje book
Michala Chatrná
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Brno, 2008, Svět v nákupním košíku
Land and Sustainable Development in Africa book
Amanor, Kojo Sebastian
ISBN: 9781842779132
Series: London, 2008
Land Reform under Structural Adjustment in Zimbabwe book
Land Use Change in the Moshonaland Provinces
Moyo, Sam
ISBN: 9171064575
Series: Uppsala, 2000
Least but not Last book
Least but not Last? Least Developed Countries in Official Development Assistance of Visegrad Four Co
Mihálik, Ján
ISBN: 9788087456040
Series: 2010
Lessons and Prospects book
Mangheni Margaret Najjingo
ISBN: 9789970027156
Series: Kampala, 2007
Makers & Breakers book
Children & Youth in Postcolonial Africa
Honwana, Alcinda
ISBN: 0852554346
Series: Trenton, NJ, 2005
Making Democracy Work book
A Framework for Macroeconomic Policy in South Africa
Macroeconomic Research Group
ISBN: 1868081834
Series: Bellville,, 1993
Making Development Sustainable book
The World Bank
ISBN: 0821329251
Series: Washington, DC, 1994
Miaka Hamsini ya Kiswahili Nchini Kenya book
Inyani Simala
ISBN: 9789966028488
Series: 2014
Microfranchising book
How Social Entrepreneurs are Building a New Road to Development
Nicolas Sireau (Editor)
Series: Sheffield, 2011
Military Spending in Developing Countries book
MacDonald, Brian S.
ISBN: 0886293146
Series: 1997
The Millenium Development Goals Report 2009 book
United Nations
ISBN: 9789211011968
Series: New York, 2009
The Millennium Development Goals book
Achievements and prospects of meeting the targets in Africa
Nwonwu, Francis
ISBN: 9780798302128
Series: Pretoria
The Millennium Development Goals Report 2007 book
United Nations
ISBN: 9789211011531
Series: New York, 2007
The Millennium Development Goals Report 2010 book
The United Nations
ISBN: 9789211012187
Series: 2010, The Millenium Development Goals Reports
Mining in Africa book
Regulation and Development
edited by Bonnie Campbell
Series: New York, London, 2009
Le Monitor Des Grands Projets Au Maroc book
Editions Economiques du Maroc (EEM)
Series: Casablanca, 2009
More than Good Intentions book
Improving the Ways the World's Poor Borrow, Save, Farm, Learn, and Stay Healthy
Dean Karlan and Jacob Appel
ISBN: 9780452297562
Series: 2012
Morocco and the Sahara book
Social Bonds and Geopolitical Issues
Mohamed Cherkauoui
Series: Oxford, 2007
The Myth of Development book
The Non-viable Economic of the 21st Century
De Rivero, Oswaldo
ISBN: 1856499499
Series: New York, 2001
Namibia and Angola: Trade Assessment book
Saul Kahuika, Christoph Stork, Vollrat von Krosigk, Rehabeam Shilimela
ISBN: 0010269223
Series: Windhoek, Namibia, 2004
The New Partnership For Africa's Development book
Series: 2001
Nightmares and Dreams book
Kinyua, Evans
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Nairobi, 1999
The No-nonsense guide to international development book
Maggie Black
ISBN: 9781904456636
Series: Oxford, 2007
Obor a trpaslík - Slováci, Česi a perspektivy Afriky book
Juraj Mesík
Series: Bratislava, 2012
Oil and Politics in the Gulf of Guinea book
Soares de Oliveira, Ricardo
ISBN: 9781850658580
Series: London, 2007
On Transforming Africa book
Discourse With Africa's Leaders
Hadjor Buenor, Kofi
ISBN: 1870101006
Series: Trenton, 1987
The OPEC Fund and Development Cooperation in a Changing World: selected statements of Y. Seyyid Abdulai book
Selected statements of Y. Seyyid Abdulai
Abdulai, Y. Seyyid
ISBN: 9295037006
Series: Vienna, 2003
Our Common Interest book
Report of the Commission for Africa
Commission for Africa
Series: 2005
Pastoralism and Development in Africa book
Dynamic Change at the Margins
Andy Catley, Jeremy Lind and Ian Scoones (Editors)
Series: London and New York, 2013
Pathways of Change in Africa book
Crops, Livestock and Livelihoods in Mali, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe
Scoones, Ian ed.
ISBN: 0852554222
Series: Oxford, 2002
A Peace of Timbuktu book
Democratic Governance, Development and African Peacemaking
Poulton, Robin-Edward
ISBN: 9290451254
Series: New York, 1998
People, Contacts and the Environment in the African Past book
Studies in The African Past-1
Chami, Felix ed.
ISBN: 9976603444
Series: Dar Es Salaam, 2001
Perspektivy rozvoje book
Tomáš Tožička
ISBN: 9788087661222
Series: Praha, 2016
Philosophy and Social Reconstruction in Africa book
Olusegun Oladipo
Series: Ibadan, 2009
Planetary Sustainability in the Age of the Information and Knowledge Society (for a sustaiable world and future) book
Ospina Lopez Gustavo
Series: 2003
The Policy Paradox in Africa book
Strengthening Links between Economic Research and Policymaking
Ayuk, Elias T.
ISBN: 1592215777
Series: New Jersey, 2007
Politics in Africa book
A New Introduction
Nana K. Poku and Anna Mdee
Series: London, 2011
Poor Economics book
a radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty
Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo
ISBN: 9781586487980
Series: New York, 2011
Poor Economics book
Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo
ISBN: 9780718193669
Series: 2012
Poverty and Family Size Patterns book
C. Lwechungura Kamuzora
Series: 2001, Reserch on Poverty Allevation REPOA No. 01.3
Poverty Research in Tanzania:Guidelines for Preparing Research Proposals book
Brian Cooksey, Servacius Likwelile
Series: 2002, Reserch on Poverty Allevation REPOA Special Paper
Problems in the History of Modern Africa book
Collins, Robert
ISBN: 9781558764545
Series: 2008, Problems in African History
The Proposed New Issues in the WTO and the Interests of Developing Countries book
Khor, Martin
ISBN: 9839747576
Series: Penang, 2001, TWN Trade & Development Series
Putting Africa First book
The Making of African Innovation Systems
Muchie, Mammo,
ISBN: 8773076996
Series: Aalborg, 2003
A Radical History of Development Studies book
Kothari, Uma
ISBN: 9781842775257
Series: London, 2005
Reducing Poverty book
Is the World Bank's Strategy working?
Series: 2002
La réforme du système éducatif africain pour l'autonomie et le développement continental - Pédagogie appliqué book
José Afanou
ISBN: 9782296077935
Series: Paris, 2009
Report on the African Women´s Development Fund (AWDF) book
Monitoring and Evaluating Workshop for Women´s Rights Organization in Africa
The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF)
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Accra, 2007
Resource Alienation, Militarisation and Development book
Case studies from East African Drylands
Babiker, Mustafa (ed.)
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Addis Ababa, 2002
Resource Mobilisation book
A Handbook for Women´s Groups
Joan Vivian Koomson
ISBN: 0000000000000
Series: Accra
The Return of the Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 book
Krugman, Paul
ISBN: 9781846142390
Series: London, 2008
The rise and fall of Nigeria book
the history and philosophy of an experiment in African nation-building
Allison A. Ayida
ISBN: 9782601306
Series: Lagos, 1990
The Role of Traditional Irrigation Systems (Vinyungu) in Alleviating Poverty in Iringa Rural District, Tanzania book
T.A.J. Mkavidanda, A.L. Kaswamila
Series: 2001, Reserch on Poverty Allevation REPOA No. 01.2
The Rural-Urban Interface in Africa book
Expansion and Adaption
Baker, Jonathan,
ISBN: 9171063293
Series: Uppsala, 1992
Season of Rains book
Africa in the World
Stephen Ellis
Series: London, 2011
The Silent Revolution in Africa book
Debt, Development and Democracy
Fantu Cheru
Series: 1989
Snakes in Paradise book
NGOs and the Aid Industry in Africa
Holmén, Hans
ISBN: 9781565493018
Series: Sterling, 2009
Social Watch Report 2005- Roars And Whispers book
Gender and Poverty: Promises vs. Action
Institut Del Tercer Mundo (ITEM)
Series: Montevideo, 2005
Starved for Science: How Biotechnology is Being Kept out of Africa book
Robert Paarlberg ; with a foreword by Norman E. Borlaug and Jimmy Carter
ISBN: 0674029739
Series: Cambridge, Mass, 2008
The State of Africa book
Post-conflict Reconstruction and Development
Kotzé, Dirk; Solomon, Hussein
ISBN: 9780798302111
Series: Pretoria, 2008
Svět do všech předmětů book
Globální témata pro 2. stupeň ZŠ a víceletá gymnázia
Veronika Demelová
ISBN: 9788025456781
Series: Brno, 2009
Tanzania book
The Limits To Development from Above
Havnevik, Kjell J.
ISBN: 9171063358
Series: Motala, 1993
Third World Options book
Power, Security and the Hope for Another Development
Rweyenmanu, F. Justinian
ISBN: 997610166X
Series: Dar Es Salaam, 1992
Tourism and Poverty Reduction book
Pathways to Prospeity
Mitchell, Jonathan
ISBN: 9781844078899
Series: London, 2010, Tourism, Environment and Development Studies
Towards a Dynamic African Economy book
Selected Speeces and Lectures 1975 - 1986
Adedeji, Adebayo
ISBN: 0714633496
Series: London, 1989
Transforming Health Markets in Asia and Africa book
Improving quality and access for the poor
Gerald Bloom, Barun Kanjilal, Henry Lucas and David H. Peters (Editors)
Series: London and New York, 2013
Twapandula Angola book
aneb něco o Angole, něco z Angoly
Chaloupková, Petra
ISBN: 9788021320154
Series: Praha, 2009
Udržitelné technologie pro rozvoj book
Příručka pro implementaci udržitelných technologií v rozvojové spolupráci
Tožička Tomáš
ISBN: 9788025461051
Series: Praha, 2009
Udržitelné technologie pro rozvoj: příručka pro implementaci udržitelných technologií v rozvojové spolupráci book
Tožička, Tomáš
ISBN: 9788025461051
Series: Praha, 2009
Uganda book
Ian Leggert
ISBN: 0855984546
Series: Oxford, 2001, Oxfam Country Profile
Undermining the Development book
The Absence of Power among Local NGOs in Africa
Michael, Sarah
ISBN: 0852554389
Series: Oxford, 2004
Unfinished Business book
The Land Crisis in Southern Africa
Lee, Margaret C.
ISBN: 0798301724
Series: Pretoria, 2003
Urban Land Reform in Post-war Angola: research, advocacy and policy development book
Development Workshop
ISBN: 0968878652
Series: Luanda, 2005
Walvis Bay book
South Africa's hostage
Graham Hopwood
ISBN: 1852870788
Series: London, 1990
When the Grass is Gone book
Development Intervention in African Arid Lands
edited by P.T.W. Baxter
ISBN: 9171063188
Series: Uppsala, 1991
The White Man´s Burden book
Why the West´s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good
William Easterly
ISBN: 9780143038825
Series: London, 2006
The White Man´s Burden book
Why the West´s Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good
William Easterly
ISBN: 9780199226115
Series: 2007
Who Owes Who? book
50 Questions about World Debt
Millet, Damien
ISBN: 1842774271
Series: London, 2004
Women and Credit book
Fong, S. Monica,
ISBN: 8885955029
Series: MIlan, 1991
The World We Want to Live In book
14th Annual Forum 2000 Conference
Forum 2000
ISBN: 9788090472419
Series: Prague, 2010
Yes Africa Can book
Success Stories from a Dynamic Continent
Punam Chuhan-Pole and Manka Agwafo (Editors)
Series: Washington DC, 2011
Zimbabwe's Fast Track Land Reform book
Prosper B. Matondi
Series: London and New York, 2012
Zpráva o globálním rozvojovém vzdělávání v České republice v letech 2008 - 2010 book
Nádvorník, Ondřej
ISBN: 9788090439535
Series: Prague, 2010
Zuma´s Own Goal book
Losing South Africa´s "War on Poverty"
Patrick Bond
ISBN: 1592217966
Series: Trenton NJ, 2011
Book of the month

Xoliswa Ndoyiya: Ukutya Kwasekhaya

Xoliswa Ndoyiya: Ukutya KwasekhayaTastes from Nelson Mandela’s kitchen

A collection of recipes by Nelson Mandela's personal chef, this book contains the food served to visiting heads of state, celebrities, politicians for more than 20 years. Featuring some of the favourite former South African president's favourite meals including samp and beans, farm chicken, tripe, this book also features paella, peri-peri chicken, prawn curry, and myriad of other delights. With simple, delicious and nourishing recipes, it will interest those who wish to prepare meals that are both elegant and healthy.More

New arrivals

New titles in our library 12/2016

Our library has aquired a number of new and interesting books. Here is the list of the latest titles.

  • Blood Brothers: The Fatal Friendship Between Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X by Randy Roberts and Johnny Smith
  • Fashion Cities Africa by Hannah Azieb Pool
  • Frantz Fanon: Toward a Revolutionary Humanismby Christopher Lee
  • Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  • Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty by Robinson, James A., Acemoglu, Daron
  • Shakespeare in Swahililand: Adventures With the Ever-Living Poet by Edward Wilson-Lee
  • A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present by Richard J. Reid
  • Authentically African: Arts and the Transnational Politics of Congolese Culture by Sarah Van Beurden
  • Children in Slavery through the Ages by by Gwyn CampbellSuzanne MiersJoseph C. Miller
  • Global Health in Africa: Historical Perspectives on Disease Control by Tamara Giles-Vernick
  • Rumba on the River: A History of the Popular Music of the Two Congos by Gary  Stewart
  • Women and Slavery, Vol. 1: Africa, the Indian Ocean World, and the Medieval North Atlantic by Gwyn Campbell
  • Women and Slavery, Vol. 2: The Modern Atlantic by Gwyn Campbell
  • Cahier d'un Retour Au Pays Natal by Aimé Cesaire
  • Healing Traditions: African Medicine, Cultural Exchange and Competition in South Africa, 1820-1948 by Karen Elizabeth  Flint
  • Global Education Policy and International Development: New Agendas, Issues and Policies by Antoni Verger
  • Black Skin, White Coats: Nigerian Psychiatrists, Decolonization, and the Globalization of Psychiatry by Matthew M. Heaton
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