African-Caribbean Evening
25/06/11, 19:00, Klub Austria, Restaurace Austria
In celebration of the International Year for People of African Descent, Humanitas Afrika invites you African-Caribbean Evening.
Read and Lunch at the African Library/Open Doors Day
18/06/11, 11:00, African Information Centre
Come to the African library on Saturday.
Prague Day for Africa
04/06/11, 11:00, Sokol Praha - Královské Vinohrady, Polska, Prague 2
Don't miss this year's Prague Day for Africa - a cultural and football event in the centre of Prague which is organized by INEX-SDA in collaboration with Humanitas Afrika.
Book club
02/06/11, 18:30, African Information Centre
The third meeting of the book club where we discuss some of the most popular titles in our library collection will take place on 2 June 2011 from 6.30 pm. The book to be discussed is Paul Collier, Wars, Guns, and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places (2009). The club is open to everybody interested in the topic.
Cultural dimension of development work
19/05/11, 18:30, African Information Centre
African Information Centre invites you to a discussion on Cultural dimension of development work. The speaker, a cultural anthropologist Zuzana Hrdličková, will talk on this topic and her own experience with humanitarian and development work in South Asia.
Development projects often have the ambition to change social and cultural conventions. Are they succeeding in it? Are the projects changing the cultures or is the culture changing the projects? How did development work change over the last 50 years and how did the experience of development workers and cultural anthropologists contributed to these changes? How and where are he "right" tdevelopment projects implemented?
Window to Africa
20/11/10, 13:00, DDM Ulita, Na Balkáně 100, Praha 3
Meet African traditions. Taste the rhythm of African music and dance. Try your hands on African art techniques or play typical board games.
Come and enjoy an African afternoon with your children.
Screening and discussion about development assistance in Africa
02/11/10, 19:30, Prague School for Economics, room RB213
Invitation to a screening and discussion with Sebastian Lindström who has lived and worked in West Africa and authored many successful movies dealing with efficiency of development aid and developing countries in general.
Cry Freedom (1987)
27/05/10, 18:30, African Information Centre
Cry Freedom is based on the true story of Steve Biko (Denzel Washington), the charismatic South African Black Consciousness Movement leader, and Donald Woods (Kevin Kline), the liberal white editor of the Daily Dispatch newspaper.
Man of Vision, Kwame Nkrumah
25/05/10, 18:30, African Information Centre
Exclusive and rare documentary focuses on the early stages of Ghana’s development shortly before and after the independence, in particular the Akosombo Dam project.
50 Years of Independence in Africa: On the way to development and democracy?
24/05/10, 10:00, UN Information Centre
UN Information Center in Prague, Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Institute of Ethnology of the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University and Humanitas Afrika cordially invite you to a colloquium
50 years of independence in Africa: On the way to development and democracy?
Main speaker:
Cheick Sidi Diarra, Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for the Least Developed Countries