Swahili classes
03/02/10, 17:30, African Information Centre
On 3 February 2010 we are starting a Swahili course for false beginners with a lecturer from Kenya.
50th anniversary of Ghana-Czech diplomatic relations
09/12/09, 17:00, Náprstkovo muzeum
Forum, discussion, film, cultural performance.
Film screening: End of the Rainbow (2007)
24/11/09, 18:30, African Information Centre
The film examines the cultural, economic and environmentalimpact of a transnational gold mining operation on a remotefarming community in northeastern Guinea.
African Pottery workshop for kids - Kirikou, the Potter
21/11/09, 14:00, African Information Centre
Do you know the story about Kirikou who outsmarts the wickedsorceress Karaba and her army of fetishes?
If not, come to our workshop where you can listen to the story and learn a song about Kirikou. This will be a pottery workshop whereyou can make a small African Christmas present for with help of Patrik from Ivory Coast.
Twelve Disciples of Nelson Mandela
10/11/09, 18:30, African Information Centre
Film director Thomas Allen Harris made this film to pay atribute to his stepfather Benjamin Pule Leinaeing (Lee) andthousands of other South Africans who endured decades ofexile to keep the freedom struggle alive against whitesupremacist apartheid regime.
Entrepreneurship in West Africa
04/11/09, 09:30, Restaurace Fluidum, Lucemburská 6, Praha 3
Africa has always been a continent with vast potential for entrepreneurship. In spite of negative images in the media that largely focus on poverty and conflict and discourage investment, many African countries have been able to attract entrepreneurs from around the world who found new markets there.
If you would like to know more about Africa as a continent of opportunities for entrepreneurship, HST Chamber of Commerce Switzerland - Czech Republic in cooperation with African-Czech NGO Humanitas Afrika, cordially invite you to a seminar and a Fair Trade breakfast.
Ezra - film screening
27/10/09, 18:30, Humanitas Afrika
Ezra is the first film to give an African perspective on the disturbing phenomenon of child soldiers in the continent´s recent civil wars. Ezra is a remarkably complex complex psychological study of a child soldier.
Congolese cuisine with Patricia/Chilren's club
25/10/09, 14:00, African Information Centre
Inpiration from Congolese cuisine. Come and learn some few delicious recipes prepared by Patricia from Congo.
Programme for children: African games (Oware, Ampe)
Fairtrade picnic
19/10/09, 18:00, African Information Centre
You are invited to a small picnic with a presentation by Lenka Cerna from Excellent Plzeň s.r.o.
The Hero - film screening
13/10/09, 18:30, Humanitas Afrika
Citizens of Angola struggle to piece themselves back together after the end of the country's thirty year civil war.