Africa in Crisis The Causes, the Cures of Environmental Bankruptcy
- Earthscan
- Year of publishing: 1985
- Place of publishing: London
- ISBN: 0905347579
- Language: English
- Series: first
This publication was written by the former editor of Reuters who has worked in Ethiopia, Sudan, the Sahel, Tanzania, Kenya and elsewhere in Africa. In his book he argues that many apparently unconnected issues worrying contemporary Africa could be related to what he calls "enviromental bankroptcy".
Autorem této publikace je bývalý redaktor agentury Reuters, který působil v Etiopii, Sudánu, Sahelu, Tanzánii, Keni a dalších regionech Afriky. V této knize spojuje mnoho zdánlivě nesouvisejících problémů současné Afriky s tím, co nazývá "enviromentálním krachem".
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