Frantz Fanon Panaf Great Lives Panaf

  • Panaf Books
  • Year of publishing: 1973
  • Place of publishing: London
  • ISBN: 0901787302
  • Language: English
  • Series: first

his book is about one great pan-African, Frantz Fanon, who during his short life on this earth (1925-1961), proved to be one of the foremost thinkers and fighters of African liberation. Frantz Fanon was a psychiatrist who was born in Martinique in the West Indies in 1925. He is one of the foremost writers and intellectuals on black liberation from racial oppression and revolutionary armed struggle. Fanon was not just an armchair theorist with an incisive mind but a practical man who elected to get involved in the fight for freedom in the Algerian war of independence. He participated in the Algerian Liberation movement, the FLN, in the Algerian war of independence against the French in the 1950s.

One of Fanon most well known book is "The Wretched of the Earth" first published in 1961. Fanon's thinking was influenced by his analysis of testimonies that he got from Algerian and French patients that he treated during the Algerian war that had been traumatized by the war. The testimonies included the French troops and police torturing innocent civilians, mass killings and assassinations and rapes of defenceless men, women and children.

The Wretched of the Earth is a classic book written in the Communist framework that analyses the psychology of colonized people and eloquently explains their anger and frustration. He explains the techniques that imperialists use to subjugate the colonized peoples. Fanon discusses the social and economic basis of colonialism. He highlights the willingness of colonial powers to use violence, their attack on African culture and way of life, among other things. He concluded that violence was the only way to free the oppressed people.

In "Black Skin, White Masks", Fanon develops his thesis about the impact of inferiority complex of subjugated peoples and the alienation of some of them from their kind resulting in their wish to identified with the colonialists or imitate the European.

"A Dying Colonialism" is one of the lesser known books by Franz Fanon. In this book, Fanon espouses his beliefs and ideas that it is only through violent revolution that colonial repression and cultural trauma in the Third World can be ended. He argued that violence is a cleansing force which frees the native from his inferiority complex and from his despair and inaction, making him fearless and restoring his self-respect.

In his teenage years, Fanon was politically active and participated in the guerrilla struggle against the supporters of the pro-Nazi French Vichy government. He served in the Free French forces. After the war he studied medicine and psychiatry in Paris and Lyons.

Fanon's ideas have been very influential to all the subsequent liberation wars on the African continent and elsewhere, the civil rights movement and black consciousness movements worldwide. Fanon's ideas about how the coloured people can liberate themselves (physically and mentally) influenced many leaders of revolutionary movements that were fighting colonialism. Some organisations in the USA, such as the Nation of Islam, appear to embrace a lot of Fanon's ideas and thinking. His influence extended as far afield as the Tamil Tigers fighting in Sri Lanka for an independent homeland, the Palestinians fighting for independence and dignity, among others.


  • FAN_14.1. (Available)




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